Chapter 3-An awkward meet

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I heard the dragging of a chair against the marble floor, and my heart accelerated. Slowly, I turned around to see him getting up from the chair! Is he going to find me? I swiftly ran to the nearest shelf, trying to see what was his intention of getting up.

  After some observations, he seemed to be looking for me! Trying to be as quiet as a mouse, not to disturb the people in the library, I ran swiftly, but my sneakers made loud ear-piercing squeaks that frightened me, putting me to a stop. Panicking, I walked quickly through the corridors of shelves and hid behind one.

  That hazel-eyed boy, on the other hand, patiently walked through the shelves with his shoes tapping on the floor echoing through it. Sweats of perspiration trickled down my forehead as I gulped. "You know, it's quite stupid of you to play hide and seek in the library, it's not like I'm a bad guy or something right?" Said the blue-haired boy as he looked at some books that were placed neatly on the shelves.

Then it hit me. What was the reason for me to hide anyway? Maybe I was stupid after all. So much for hiding from him!

"A-ah, hey...?" I said, awkwardly. He seemed slightly surprised as he mildly raised his eyebrows. There was silence between the two of us for a second before the boy spoke, "Xingqiu, it's my name, yours?" I was caught off guard. "Oh-oh! It's Chongyun haha..." I thought it was stupid of me to stammer, but it has already been spoken. My cheeks flushed red. Looking at his expression, he seemed to be even more surprised, with his lips parting, then smiling softly. "Come, let's have a conversation," Xingqiu said as he walked, I tailed along cluelessly.

  We both took a seat on two chairs opposite a table in the library. "What was your intention of staring at me?" Asked the blue-haired boy, folding his arms and leaning back on the chair, with a calm expression. "It wasn't intentional I-I swear! Well I was observing peoples' actions and well, I saw you and you looked like someone I saw three days ago in the li—" I tried to explain with a quivering voice but got interrupted. "Alright, I get it," Xingqiu's voice cut in as he raised his hand. "I'm not angry, just curious," continued the boy. "Then I'm relieved," I heaved a sigh of relief.

"But, if you're at the library, aren't you going to be busy looking for books to read?" Xingqiu asked. I explained everything to him, about my dilemma between my friends and my studies, the hazel-eyes boy nodded at my explanation. "So, what would you do?" I asked Xingqiu for suggestions. "I don't have a valid answer, after all, we all have different opinions, so choose your way, and make it right. There's no point in keeping a secret about this, is there?" He replied. He was right, what a speech! "I'll think about it, thanks for the tip!" I thanked Xingqiu. He chuckled in reply as he leaned forward, chin resting on his intertwined fingers, "Hm, wanna be friends?" He asked, with a suspicious smirk.

"O-oh sure! I wouldn't mind!" I blushed with embarrassment. "Let's meet at the library whenever you're free," replied the boy. "Oh, sure! Would u mind helping me with my homework sometimes?" I questioned him, as I felt that my average grades were not enough. "Sure thing, I've got to go now, I'll see you in the library tomorrow, when you're free, of course," smiled Xingqiu as he left the library, leaving me behind. His voice is so familiar too, have I heard it somewhere..?

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