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Craig's stiff frown seemed as if it was never going to leave his face as he watched the trees and terrain swiftly move by through the car window. He blocked out the annoying songs his friends liked to play and the shouting over it that came along with it all. Craig felt as if no amount of words could express how much he dreaded going out of state with a handful of his classmates for summer break. The idea of locking himself in his room until he was forced to go to college felt much more compelling.

"Hey, guys, it's going to be around 10 more minutes before we get there," Tolkien, the man responsible for the vacation, announced from behind the wheel.

"Thank fucking god, if I was in this goddamn car for another 15 minutes I was going to either kill myself or Clyde." Craig grumbled, steel blue turning into challenging slits as he looked at the brunet, who was undeniably making him the most sour.

Clyde, on the other hand, was naturally quite a squirmy person. So when squeezed into tight quarters with Craig, Jimmy, and Tweek (while Nichole got blessed with girlfriend privileges) he couldn't help his leg bouncing and the way his elbow knocked into Craig seemingly once every minute. He was honestly enjoying the trip himself, despite his urge to get out and move freely. He was excited for what the week had in store for them, and he took out all that energy by singing along to pop songs and talking endlessly to Jimmy.

Clyde blinked owlishly and turned to look at Craig after such a snarky little comment. "What! Why me?" The teen sputtered in surprise. "I'm the one providing all the sweet tunes and good vibes. I think I deserve a little credit." He huffed, glaring at Craig in return, though he wasn't nearly as good at it.

Craig rolled his eyes and looked back out the window, seeing the crystal blue water that was just coming into view. "Sure, I'll give you credit for being the most annoying fucking person in the world." He replied, seemingly uninterested in whatever Clyde claimed to deserve. Craig couldn't wait to finally get out of the car because if he didn't soon, he'd punch Clyde. It was a rare urge these days, but it seemed inevitable considering he'd known his absolute parallel his entire life.

Clyde let out a petulant whine. He elbowed Craig again, intentionally and spiteful, before huffing. "Don't be such an asshole."  Clyde's gaze trailed away the the noiret so he wouldn't have to look at the side of Craig's head anymore.

"Only a few hours in and Craig's already making d-d-death threats. Write your obituaries now, f-fellas." Jimmy stammered out, getting a small snicker from Nichole.

Craig ignored the comments from the other boys, clearly showing he didnt have anymore input for conversation. It wasn't too much longer before they finally pulled in the rather huge driveway that led to an even bigger beach house. Not even before the car was parked, Craig was getting out, not wanting to be touching Clyde a second longer. The harsh sun hit him immediately, contrasting with the cold air conditioning of the car. He internally reprimanded himself for wearing a hoodie. He could already feel a bead of sweat forming on his brow and he hastily wiped it away with his sleeve. "About fucking time." He murmured to himself as everyone else piled out of the car.

Clyde was absolutely enamored with the sights out the window as if he had never seen water before. He followed Craig's lead, leaving Tweek to deal with Jimmy and his crutches like the douchebag he was. He took a deep breath and stretched his arms above his head. He loved the rolling heat on his exposed skin, wearing a T-shirt and shorts. "Oh my god! You ever just forget what the sun feels like?" He asked, enthralled by this new weather. The trunk of the car popped open, courtesy of Tolkien, so they could all grab their luggage.

Craig gave a curt nod at Clyde's comment. "Well, yeah. We're more south, it's humid heat, not the dry heat Colorado tends to get." Craig replied, his voice permanently monotone like always but just as effectively implying Clyde's idiocrasy before making his way to the back of the vehicle.

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