1. Flight

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This morning my long journey finally got its starting point.

What I mean by that? IM GOING TO ENGLAND!!!
If anyone wants to know it a litte more specific : 34 River Crescent, Rochester, Kent. To the Family Nelson.

Now let's go over to my day, I woke up pretty early in the morning to eat breakfast with my family for the last time until I come back. It was pretty quiet while eating but that was ok.
After breakfast my dad got my suitcase out of my room and I packed the last things I needed for my flight into my backpack, while saying goodbye to my cat I heard my mom screaming : "Melissa, kommst du bitte? Wir müssen noch bei Ella vorbei da sie mit zum Flughafen kommt." ( Melissa, would you please come downstairs? We have to pick Ella up because she wants to come at the airport with us).
I push my charger into the back pack, close it and get it on my back :" on my way my lady" I said with my pretty bad British accent to make a joke bevor my gets mad.
Than my little brother comes towards us and gives me a bracelet, without telling me anything he goes to the car in front of our door which my dad already loaded. I look behind my with a sigh bevor I also head to the car. The ride to Ella was pretty short, she lives too streets away from me. From than on the ride seems pretty long, Ella laid her head onto my shoulder and decided to reather sleep than talk to me and my little brother plays on his phone.

We arrive the airport an hour later, my mom gets me some pounds so when I arrive in England I will have some money on me.
We still have to wait for my plane for a few more hours and my ambassador of my exchange company isn't even here.
After a while we see other kids of my company arriving with my freinds while Ella and my joke about some sounds we had from tiktok.
When i finally checked in everything was happening pretty fast. I just remember saying goodbye to my mom and leave for my checkin and all the security stuff you have to do at the airports.

Now I'm sitting in the plane which is directly flying to London, the first three days in England I will be at a camp of my exchange program where I will get to know other students from everywhere around the world.
Next to me is sitting a very nice girl. Her name is Lena, she is 16 years old and lives pretty close to me.
We are talking about one direction currently because that is apparently an interest ee share. She is pretty exited about her host family, she will live with a girl her age. Sadly lena is not living so close by as I thought but I already forgot the name of her town.

Because of my nice seat neighbor the flight was appeared to be pretty short.
Now we only have to get things done with our visas and talk to some people here I guess. It's making me pretty nervous to get out the plane and realize I will live in England for almost a year now. When I look around things don't seem to be that different except the language. With so many people talking I don't quiet understand everything and lena pulls me to our group : "Hey! Melissa we will go to the registration or whatever and than our camp ambassadors will wait outside of us. We will be going with the bus to our camp and hang out. Aren't you exited?"
I look pretty confused to thr girl next to me already talking english instead of Germany as ee did the whole flight and nood :" letse goo" i say and follow her.

When our camp ambassadors arrive I look around me, the exchange students from sweden, Finnland and all around the world appear in my sight and I smile a little. Lena and I stay close together, we don't seem to be that extroverted as some others. The bus ride I also sit next to my new friend Lena, when i place myself next to her my eyes got wide because it started to rain : "Oh no! Ich hab meine Jacke vergesen" ( I forgot my jacked). With a sigh I place myself next to Lena, she appeared to be pretty tired : "wir sind ja gleich da dann kannst du ein pulli aus dem Koffer nehmen" (we will be there soon, when we arrive you can get a hoodie out of your suitcase)
I just nood a little sad and go onto my phone, the next thing i realize is that the whole bus is sleeping and I'm freezing. I don't want to wake up lena so I try to cover myself up with my backpack and close my eyes.

Just a few minutes bevor we arrive our camp I wake up and look around, the other students seem to be also awake because many of them are talking. When we get out of the bus it's noon and it still Rains over here. We all go outside of the bus and get our suitcases bevor er ask for our rooms on the campus and get some additional stuff from our program. I than grab my things and look around for familiar faces but lena is already gone. I sigh again and walk towards my room.

Arriving my room I realize the person I share my room with isn't there yet. I try to open my room and actually break the Keychain of my exchange program. A few tears roll down my face as I was finally in my room and couldn't open my suitcase. After a good 10 minutes I finally can take my stuff out of my suitcase and just put myself into the bed. I feel a bit like my energy is running out and that my throat hurts but I ignore this. Not even 5 minutes later I finally fall asleep in the room and don't even realize how much text massages I get from lena or that my roommate kyu from Korea arrives after her plane was delayed.

In the afternoon I finally get up and realize I probably caught a cold without wearing my jacket, this fact I again ignore and walk towards the campes to meet up with lena to get food. Lena askes me a thousand times if everything is good with me and I only nood. Arriving the cafeteria I get a water and sit down, all the people around me seem to be a bit too much for me and I try to not show that I feel sick. When most of the students got there food, including my table I get up and grab something small to eat. When I get the others are already talking much with each other and I smile, they all seem to be very nice but I don't really speak to them, it feels to exhausting to me. I realize I probably have a fever because everyone around me is not wearing that much clothes as I do. With another sigh I ask lena if she can bring my plate and cup away because I don't feel good and get up.

I leave the others to go to my room where I again decided to reather sleep than tell my ambassadors that I feel bad, because it's already pretty late. The  last thing I do for that day was to brush my teeth and get into my Pyjama.

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