P20 Confused

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Oh come on Jungkook, you should tell her. Else that weird guy is going to take her. I don't like him, he is so weird.

I sigh before knocking on her door.
She opens the door, giving me that shh sound because she was calling someone.
I jump on her bed, moving my eyes from left to right and right go left.


I am still waiting, she's been calling for almost an hour. It's about her work, I know it's important so I should wait. Hmm, feeling sleepy.
Don't close your eyes yet Jungkook!

I was about to close my eyes..
"Sorry Jungkook, do you need something?" she says, placing her phone on the table.
I sit up and clear my throat "No no, it's okay. I came here for- uhm-"
Say it Jungkook!


I can't say it! It's harder that I thought.
"It's nothing, I just wanted to stay here for a bit but I'll go to my room now. Good night Y/N."


I can't sleep and I have work tomorrow. What's going on with him? He wants to say something but he was stuck with his own words.

I kick the blanket and get off bed. I walk to his room.
"Jungkook? Are you-"
"Come in" I hear him saying.
He is awake, wrapped like in a burrito. He stills sleeps naked.

I sit on his bed, looking to the burrito.
It made me chuckle.
"Can you tell me what you wanted to say? I know you Jungkook, you wanted to say something else. So tell me, I'm all ears bunny."

He fiddle with his fingers.
"Euhm- It's nothing Y/N." he says, turning around.
I roll my eyes and get off bed. Taking an extra blanket out of his closet.
Covering us and tucking myself in next to him.

He turns around.
"Why are you sleeping here?" he asks, with a confused face.
Excuse me boy, but last week you slept in my room, storming middle of the night.
"Because, I am still listening, Now, tell me what's wrong?"

BUNNY (Jungkook Jeon)Where stories live. Discover now