A cloud of love uwu

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Jersey woke up to her alarm and yawned. She sighed. "Another day to make peoples lives miserable." she looked at her live, laugh, love poster and smiled. Today was gonna be a good day.
She looked at herself in the mirror, "another day another slay- periodt." She snapped in a snazzy z fashion.
Once she got dressed and ate breakfast, she saw it.
"Hey~" she said in a sultry voice, "where have you been all my life?"

        "Hey~" she said in a sultry voice, "where have you been all my life?"

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her vape was sitting on the table, looking mighty fine. She thought to herself, "damnn..." she started fantasizing about her lips on it. She picked it up and started aggressively making out with it. It's fumes came out. It tasted like chocolate and sexiness.
    All of a sudden the vape sprang out of her hands, jumping onto the ground. He looked like a cartoon character at this point, having big eyes with stubby arms and legs.
       "Woah, woah, woah!" The vape spoke, kind of like Peter Griffin. "Consent is cool man, you're... not my type." He had a despondent look at his face. "I only like hot girls, 😞" he then grew angel wings and flew out her bedroom window."

Jersey wersey x vapey wapey 💨 Where stories live. Discover now