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Jersey looked at all the things she had bought for her makeover. She didn't want to go too bold, so instead she just bought a blonde highlights kit for her hair. She thought that was very quirky, despite it in reality looking very ugly. After she finished, she felt very confident. She went the school the next day in her very original outfit, a crop top and baggy pants that didn't match. She thought it was sooo much better than ems clothes. She thought to herself, "I can't wait to bully em for her ugly outfits and being a satanist. Satanism is soooo weird." Despite em not even being a satanist. See, jersey was pretty dumb. She for some reason couldn't hear the 800 times that em had told the whole class they weren't a satanist. But either jersey was very dumb, deaf, or to busy sleeping in class. She started thinking about her vape again when she got to class. Gee, she missed it. Was it wrong to still fantasize about it even when they had broken up? She didn't see the harm. She pictured her and her vape, you know, going at it and began to moan. Just kidding, jersey was a woman of god and would never think of naughty stuff. Or was she...

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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