Please dont say you love me!

596 11 17

Robby POV

"Hey are you ok?" What the fuck is wrong with Demetri? Damn he looks pissed as hell.

"Oh shit yeah I'm fine" he jumps slightly and turns to look at me. I think he's surprised to see me.

"Were you expecting someone else?"

"Not really I guess I wasn't really expecting anyone. Why are you here Robby?" I can tell he's not trying to be rude and that he's mostly just confused. It still sounds like he doesn't want me here which kind of hurts.

"You don't want me here?"

"I didn't say that I'm just confused as to why you would show up when Miguel, Eli, and Sam kind of all hate you. Well I don't think Sam hates you per se but she's definitely heartbroken. Eli on the other hand hates your guts" Demetri picks up his broken inhaler and attempts to put it back together.

"Do you hate me Demetri?" I asking him as I sit down on the floor. I'm across the hall from him just in case he says yes.

"I don't hate you Robby, but Eli and Sam are my best friends. You need to understand if I have to chose it will only end in pain for you"

"So you do hate me"

"Fuck you don't put words in my mouth"

"Ok damn sorry you don't have to be a dick about it"

"I'm sorry I'm just really confused and I want to be alone but this annoying dense fuckwad won't leave me alone you can understand my pain right?" At first he seem genuinely upset but as he continued to talk sarcasm laced his voice heavily.

It pissed me off!

The next thing I knew I had him pinned to the floor and my hand was covering his mouth.

What the fuck is wrong with me?


I hear shouting down some hallway and I run towards it. Why is this house so damn big I can't find anything.

Fuck that's Demetris voice. Oh no he's quiet now that's never a good sign.

"I'm not the fuckwad! You're the one who's been an asshole since day one!" I hear Robby shouting and I turn the corner to see him pinning Demetri.

"Hey! Get the fuck off him!" I yell loudly at Robby for sure attracting unwanted attention. I tackle him to the ground pushing him off Demetri.

Robby clocks me right in the face. He's got a mean right hook. But mine is meaner. I hit him back. Hard. So hard he bleeds from his lip.

"Fuck you" he screams at me hitting me again and flipping us over he's on top of me now. Gross as if I would do that with Robby.

I try and hit him back but he has my hands pinned. I headbut him. I feel the crunch of his nose on my head. He holds his nose with his hands turning over so he's laying on the ground, writhing in pain.

I kneel over him and hit him repeatedly. Fucking stop. Eli you need to stop! But his fucking face!

"Fuck!" I punch the ground next to him roughly. I'm pretty sure I broke at least something in my hand.

I look up and see my best friend starting at me with a horrified expression. He's probably wondering how he could've done what we did earlier with someone like me.

I don't know if I should be lucky that only he saw me or if I should be crying and begging for forgiveness that he saw me at all.

"Demetri I- I'm sorry i don't know what's wrong with me" I stand up and take a few steps in his direction. He backs against the wall and shuts his eyes tightly.

"Just go Eli" his voice is shaking. Shit. Im horrible.

"No no Demetri please! I would never hurt you! I could never hurt you because I love you-" I cover my mouth and just as I turn around he yells at me.

"Please don't say that Eli" his voice breaks and I'm afraid he might cry. "Fuck you! Leave me alone!" He throws his shoe at me.

"I'll go but just promise this isn't forever. Please say you'll come talk to me again" I plead with him. I love him how could I not?

"You know I can't guarantee that. I can't even trust you. How do I even know you won't hurt me?"

I really fucked up with him didn't I?

Semi short chapter because I think this is a really good ending. To be honest I think it went on a little long. Don't kill me. <3

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