Whenever You Call

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Tuesday, 14th of February 1995

"Girls!" Ariana, Hermione, Ellen and Emma had been sat in the library, working on their individual potions assignments, when a familiar voice screamed at them from down the way.

"Shush!" Madam Pince, the school librarian who always happened to be near you if you made slightly too much noise, hushed Nora as she flew down the central aisle towards her friends, but the brunette witch was too excitable to pay any mind to the old woman.

"Merlin's beard someone got out of the right side of the bed this morning," Emma smirked as the girls watched Nora barrel her way through the rows of books, "Do we think Fred did good last night?"

"Emma that is disgusting," Ellen wrinkled her nose in disgust, as Emma laughed.

"What is?" Nora asked as she finally approached them, doubling over to pant as she had ran so far, so fast.

"Nothing, what's wrong?" Hermione quickly spoke, preventing Emma from doing so.

"It's Fred," Was all Nora could choke out, which panicked everyone, wondering what could have possibly happened to the Weasley twin.

"What happened?!" Ariana quickly asked.

"He's asked me," Nora took a big gasp of air, "on a date,"

"That's it?" Ariana pouted, having panicked for no real reason.

"Well it is our anniversary! I need to make an effort!" Nora yelled, earning herself another 'shush' from the librarian, "Merlin, I have a stitch," She grabbed at her side.

"Oh shit you're right! We'll help," Ellen nodded in understanding, though she appeared to agree too heartedly, as Madam Pince bustled her way over to their table.

"You lot, out, now," She pointed to the exit, and without a word, the girls stood from their table and raced towards the exit, both afraid of the woman and also aware that they were in a rush for time.

"The daft bitch will tell my Grandpa about that," Ariana huffed.


"I wanted to go to Hogsmeade," Fred Weasley was pacing the Common Room, running his hand through his hair.

"Well why can't you?" George questioned, from his position between Ron and Harry.

"She goes there all the time you twat, it's not special," The youngest Weasley was sat on the floor beside the sofa, playing with a feather she had found beside the fireplace.

"Why does it have to be so special?" Ron questioned, and Ginny reached up to smack him around the head.

"Because it's their first anniversary numb-nuts. Any woman who manages to put up with any of you boys for longer than half an hour deserves to be treat like a queen, I think," She shrugged.

"Anyway! More pressing matters, where on God's green earth do I take her?" Fred stood still, an exasperated look on his face.

"What about the room of requirement?" Harry offered.

"The room of requirement... Harry Potter, you are a genius," Fred marched over to Harry and dramatically kissed the top of his head, before rushing towards the dormitory stairs and disappearing from sight.

"For a bloke with so many brilliant date ideas, you'd assume you'd have more luck with the ladies, Potter," George laughed.

Harry would never confess it aloud, but he had been spending the last half hour in his own world, imagining would it might be like to be able to take a girl on a date. A first anniversary date, at that. He thought Fred must be the luckiest man in the world, to actually have someone who was always on your side, always there to hold your hand, to make you laugh after a bad day. He felt like a soppy bastard, but he couldn't help what he wanted, and he was feeling insanely jealous of Fred.

Hold My Hand - Harry Potter (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now