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Rain patters on the old windows of the library. A comforting sound you've learned to love over the years, a steady rhythm to the unknown dance of a storm. Rain never seems to stop in Gotham, even when the hail of rain does cease seeing the sun fully emerge is rare in the gloomy city. The stale smell of books invades your senses, complementing the atmosphere outside. Dust shining in the vintage lights that fill the room, no matter how much this place is cleaned, dust always settles itself into the pages of books and the old carpets. You've gotten used to it though, after working at the library for almost two years now you can't find any reason to hate the old building. 

Your fingers trace an old crack running through the wood below your fingers, bored out of your goddamn mind. Right now you want nothing more than to crawl back to your apartment and curl up in bed with a warm cup of tea. You look up at the clock resting on the opposite wall to you. Sighing, you lean back in your chair. ‘Damn, still a little over two hours left.’ You just hope that your co-worker will be back soon. She left about an hour ago to buy Halloween candy and decorations for tomorrow. 

 A small amount of excitement brews in your chest as you look forward to tomorrow. You've never been crazy for the holidays but when it comes to Halloween you can't help but be a little excited. You don't usually party or go out, no you prefer to either stay at the library and pass out candy or watch horror movies at home. It's not the most exciting thing in the world but it's sweet to see a bunch of kids come in dressed up in various costumes. It's also nice to do something for the kids in Gotham, especially since it's not safe for them to trick or treat in most neighborhoods. The chance of getting metal and needles in halloween candy is high enough normally, but when you add the fact that you're in Gotham to the mix then there's almost always a chance of the candy having stuff in it. That's not even considering the rise of drop in the city, you don't even want to think of what would happen if a child got a hold of it. The thought alone makes your blood run cold.

The door opens, effectively snapping you out of your thoughts. You push your glasses up the bridge of your nose, glancing at the man who stood before you. The very first thing you notice about this man is his army green oversized jacket that is all but soaked from the rain, the second thing you notice is his clear rimmed glasses sitting in his face similar to the ones that you wear. He’s a regular that usually comes in, he never really speaks but he seems kind. Usually he comes in to do paperwork of some kind, usually staying until late hours of the night before leaving. He approaches the desk doing his best to avoid eye contact, not like you minded, holding a few books in his hands. He sets the books down on the desk clearing his throat out before speaking. 

“Uh, here I’d like to check these back in, and renew this one if you don't mind.” He said quietly, his voice had a timid undertone to it, as if he was afraid to speak. He quietly slid you the books separately, as you smiled at him kindly. You didn’t mind the silence, hence why you worked in a library, but you decided today you would bite the bullet and attempt to talk to the mysterious stranger. Mustering up the courage after a long awkward minute you finally say something.

“Did you have fun in the rain today?” You ask him, accidentally startling the man before you. His eyes shoot up from the piece of floor he was staring at. Once he processes your words his face lights up in a small smile, he nods his head agreeing with you. A light blush formed at the tips of his ears.

“Yeah” he chuckles a little bit, “How could you tell?” he responds, sending you a shy awkward smile. Pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose in the process. Watching you as you type information into your computer, your fingers jumping across the keys.

“Well it's a little cold to be jumping in the Gotham river this time of year.” You joke as you hand his book back to him. “Is there anything else I can help you with tonight?” You ask politely, he falters for a moment, a blush rising on the tips of his ears again. 

I'm just trying to get some sleep    Edward Naston x reader Where stories live. Discover now