Chapter :1

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The sun rays slowly started to fall on a handsome guy who was sleeping peacefully,but due to the sun rays ,he started to groan a little

Soon the alarm also started to buzz,he with his right hand started to hit on the alarm to stop it

With the first hit ,the alarm stopped the sound

But he didn't make a big fuss ,woke up with a big smile and started his day

Went to his bathroom and did his morning work ,after getting ready ,he went down with his college bag on his shoulder

He saw his mom cooking breakfast for his family

He placed his bag near the dining table without making any noise ,went behind his mom and hugged him

His mom was startled but he composed himself and continued cooking breakfast

His mom:Ohm!Honey you are already up i see ,wait a little the breakfast is almost ready

Ohm smiled and said:What is my sweetpie cooking ?

Gun:Oh for my cute puppy ,i am cooking his favourite egg fried rice with basil

Ohm:Hmm,thank you sweet pie,kissed him on the cheek

Gun:Ok sweet talker have a seat at the table ,i will be there in a second

Off who just came into the kitchen asked

Off:So not favourite foods for me?

Ohm smiled and said : Yes,my sweet pie loves me more ,wiggled his eyebrows

Gun laughed softly and said:I love my three cute puppies very much ,now shu ... Go let me finish my cooking

Off:He loves me more than you

Ohm dramatically sighed and said:Ha,i wish I could find my mate fast ,i can show off to you

Gun:Ohh?Then no more love for sweetpie?

Ohm:I love you more than my mate mom ,he will also understand it soon

Gun:You want your mate to be a boy?

Ohm nodded his head while eating


Ohm:Because i want to be like you guys with my mate

Gun smiled and said:Good ,but you should accept your mate even if they are a man /woman

Ohm: Definitely,sweetpie

Ohm completed his breakfast and was ready to leave

Ohm:Is win up,do I need to drop him?

Gun:No,he said he has his class at 11 ,so he might be sleeping right now

Ohm pouted and said:You are spoiling him

Gun:Yes i want spoil my all three puppies every chance i get

Ohm smiled and kissed his mom's and dad's cheek ,and left for his University

At University

Ohm reached the university in his own car,and parked it in the parking lot

He got down and locked the door and went towards his friends who are waiting for him

He reached them,they started to head towards their class

On the way,they were many girls and guys squealing

Drake sent a few winks and kisses here and there ,but ohm just gave them a polite smile

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