Moving in

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(Y/n pov)

I get up out of bed as my alarm goes off, today I am going to finish packing the stuff I need for college. I begin to fold my clothes and put them in boxes, I already did most of the packing yesterday. Once I'm done, I get my older brother Alec to help me get all the boxes downstairs and to my car. We have about to hours before we have to start driving to campus, so me, Alec, and my mom decide to go out and get something for breakfast. The three of us get in my mom's car and she drives us to a nearby diner, she parks and we get out and walk inside. We get seated by one of the waiters, he gives us our menus and walks away to give us a chance to find something to eat.

We order our food and I get an omelette (if you don't like it pick something else). We eat and talk, after a bit we finish eating and get ready to leave. My mom drives us back home and I get in my car, my mom gets in the passengers seat and I start driving to campus. My brother take his car and follows us so that he could drive my mom home, we get to campus and my brother helps me take the boxes up to my room. We get everything up to my room, a few minutes later I say my goodbyes to them and they leave, I walk them out of the building and go back to my dorm room.

         I leave and go down to the front desk "uhm hi excuse me but do I have roommate" I ask the lady "what's your name hun?" she asks "y/n l/n". She looks up my name in the computer "uhm no you don't, seems you were the last person to get a room in the building." I nod "anything else I can help you with?" she asks "no that's all" I flash her a soft smile "okay well I'll be here if you do need anything else." I take my phone out and start to walk, with me not looking where I'm going I run into someone's back. "Oh, jeez I'm so sorry" I apologize profusely. The man turns around, he has short brown messy hair, and these harry Potter type glasses on "its okay, are you alright?" he asks. "Yeah I'm okay" I say bending down to pick up my phone.

          He picks it up before I get the chance to "I'm William by the way" he gives me a cheeky smile "I'm y/n nice to meet you William" I laugh awkwardly. He chuckles and hands me my phone "hey uhm, do you wanna go get a coffee with me?" he looks down at me. I shrug "sure why not", we leave the building and walk to a somewhat close by café "okay, I'll have (coffee and/or drink of your choice)" I order and so does William. After getting our drinks we sit down in a booth, we chat for what feels like a couple hours until we're both done with our drinks. "Hey, my friends are throwing a party tomorrow night you should come" he says, I think about it for a second before nodding "okay sure" I smile. He grabs my phone and puts number in "I'll text you the details and stuff later okay" he says as he stands up "I gotta go, I have some stuff to do it was nice meeting you
y/n "he leaves.

           I make my way back to the dorms, I start unpacking the boxes with my clothes in it and putting them in the dresser. That takes about an hour to do, after I'm done I put some posters and stuff on the walls. I then get my monitors and computer set up and a tv, I collapse on my bed and go on my phone to text William.

Y/n: hey its y/n
William: hey, wyd
Y/n: nothing right now wbu
William: same

I smile and put my phone down and go to my desk where my computer are and put on headphones I play video games for a couple hours. When I finally get off it's around 10pm at night, classes start tomorrow so I decide to get off for the night. I get up out of my chair and change into a hoodie and sweatpants, I pull my hair up so it's off my face before I sleep.

---the next day---

           My alarm goes off around 6:30am, I reluctantly get out of bed and turn off my alarm. I get some clothes to wear for the day before going to the shower, I get undressed while I wait for the water to warm up. I wash my hair and my body and my face, I dry off and put on a black shirt, ripped jeans, and my shoes. Grabbing my phone and my bag I leave my room, when I get down to the lobby area I see William. "Hey, do you wanna walk to class with me?" I ask him, he nods and we begin to walk. I sit in the back row getting out a notebook, my computer, and a pencil. As I am taking notes my phone goes off, before answering it I finish the notes I was writing first.

William: hey, the party starts a 7:35-ish.
Y/n: okay

He send me the address as well, I put my phone down and listen back into the lecture. After class is over I leave and go around to shops in an attempt to find something to wear for the party tonight, in one of these shops I find a cute flowy black dress. Also finding matching shoes, I go back to the dressing rooms to try them both on and they fit perfectly. Changing back into my clothes from before than going to pay for the dress and shoes, after leaving the store I walk back to the dorms. It's only like 3 by the time I get back so I have about 4 hours to spare.

I go into the kitchen area to get myself something to eat I make some ramen and get some water, I walk back upstairs to my room and eat. A couple hours pass by as I eat and watch tv, I start to get ready doing my hair and my makeup first. After that I put on the dress and my shoes and I grab my phone making sure it's charged before I leave. I get in my car and begin to drive to the party, when I arrive I text William and tell him that I'm there. I see him walking out of the house towards my car I smile and get out, locking my car doors and I go over to him. "Hey"I smile, "you look good" he says causing me to blush as we go inside, there are already drunk college students everywhere.

           "Hey, y /n there's some people I want you to meet" he says, I nod and follow him out to the backyard. We go up to these three other guys "guys this is y/n, y/n this is danny" he says pointing to the one with almost entirely blonde hair except for brown roots growing out. "Thats Brandon" he refers to the slightly taller boy with shaggy black hair down to his shoulders, "and that's arny" I look up at him, he has black curly hair and a couple tattoos on both of his arms. He smiles at me and holds out him hand, I snap out of my thoughts and shake his hand "nice to meet you guys" I say before going to get a drink.

        After about a hour and a couple drinks I start to get very drunk I go to get another drink when I see arny, I walk over to him and sit down. "Hey" I say with a bit of a slur as I take another sip of my drink, he grabs the drink "maybe you should slow down a bit, you probably don't wanna have a bad headache tomorrow" he says with a soft smile. I nod in agreement he get me a small plate of food, I slowly begin to eat as I watch the other people dancing, drinking, and partying. When I'm done eating I'm still very drunk I stand up stumbling a bit before grabbing my keys, arny notices this "uhm you should probably stay here tonight, your pretty wasted still and the other boys were gonna stay too" he says looking down at me "yeah your probably right".

         "You can stay in my room" he says before taking my hand and walking me upstairs to his room, "uh if you want you can sleep in my clothes they're in the drawer" . He leaves the room and I go to the drawers and get a pair of black sweats and a hoodie which are way too big for me, I change out of my dress and put on arnys hoodie and sweats. I lay down in his bed and close my eyes before slowly starting to fall asleep.

(Arnys pov)

        I leave y/n in my room and go back down stairs, stopping the party and getting everyone out before getting y/n advil and taking it up to my room. When I get there I see her sleeping peacefully in my bed, trying to be as quiet as possible I put the advil bottle and a glass of water on the night stand next to the bed. I go back down and clean up a bit, leaving some of it for tomorrow morning I lay down on the couch before falling asleep.

(Y/n pov)

        I wake up with a pounding headache I go to get up but I see some advil and a glass of water on the night stand, I take two of the pills with water and I get up and go downstairs to see that William is awake as well. "Hey" I sit down on the couch with him "hey, aren't those arnys clothes?" he asks "oh uhm yeah he let me borrow them for the night" I say and he smirks, I playfully punch his arm "it doesn't mean anything" I state, "sure it doesn't" he laughs. I roll my eyes and go on my phone for a bit.

(Arnys pov)

I awake to a conversation between william and y/n, "it doesn't mean anything" she says, "sure it doesn't" he laughs at her. I smirk a bit to myself and pretend that I'm still asleep, after a while everyone including myself are awake. We begin to clean up the rest of the mess from the party

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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