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"What is it Isabella? What did you say?" Daisy asks concern written all over her face, Catherine also looks at Isabella with a confused look on her face

"She was here, she spoke to me right there" Isabella shakes pointing over to the area where she was sure Daphne had been stood just moments before yet no one else had seen it

"Are you sure?" Catherine scoffs looking around the empty room "I don't see her"

Daisy looks at Catherine with furrowed eyebrows clearly in annoyance 

"You clearly share a bond with her Isabella, only those with the special bond are able to appear to each other like that, you need to try and clear your mind of her so that she can't access you and your thoughts" Daisy warns holding Isabella by her shoulders and shaking her softly

"Are you serious?" Isabella shrieks showing a rare appearance of anger "How do I not think about this woman threatening my children"

"You just have to try, look we need to go back and sort this out" Daisy demands taking control, she quickly whips around the cottage collecting some things she may need with a speed you wouldn't think this older woman could possess.

"We?" Catherine utters looking at Daisy with distaste 

"Well I'm not leaving my grand daughter to deal with this on her own" Daisy says like it was the most obvious thing in the world and that she hadn't met Isabella a short time earlier.

Isabella felt numb to everything happening around her, she felt as though she couldn't get enough air into her lungs, her chest burnt with pain and her heart felt constricted at the thought of anything happening to Gabriella and Greyson. Those babies were her life and she couldn't help but wonder that if she hadn't have started looking for this information would they be safe in naive bliss.

Isabella felt a hand on the small of her back pushing her forward out of the door of the cottage, her legs felt like lead. Isabella had wanted to run all the way back to Hunter to put a plan in place to protect the children but at the same time she felt as though she couldn't move at all. A churning in her stomach made Isabella wonder how she was going to make this long journey without vomiting every inch of her stomach contents.


Isabella spent the whole journey picking at the skin on her fingers and on her lips, a nervous habit she had not done since being with the old pack, she hadn't felt this completely terrified for a long time. Of course she was worried when her own life was in danger, even more so when Jackson's life was in danger but this was different. Hunter was the love of Isabella's life and her babies were something she never even thought was possible, she loved them more than life itself and the thought of losing them made her life seem not worth living.

Daisy was trying to offer soothing words but nothing would help, she needed to be held in Hunter's strong arms, she felt safe in them, he would make all this go away. Right?


After what felt like the longest drive in the world, the familiar sight of the castle came into Isabella's view, she flung the door of the car open before they had even come to  stop and started to run as fast as she could towards where she knew her family were waiting. Running past the guards, they initially looked alarmed but when they saw who it was they would bow their heads in respect and not question their Queen.

Isabella ran through the castle, she first tried Hunter's office but to no avail, then she ran up the stairs to their bedroom, as she approached the door she could hear Hunter softly singing. This was something Isabela hadn't heard before, this soft cooing song.

"Isn't she lovely,

Isn't she wonderful,

Isn't she precious,

At just one minute old"

A lump filled Isabella's throat, she didn't want to walk into the ruin and break this moment, she couldn't see the scene in front of her as the door was shut but she could just imagine, Hunter with Gabriella gently tucked away in his big arms as she rocked her in front of the window that let in all the best light in the morning, she had found him like this with both children a number of times.

Finally, taking a deep breath and trying to wipe the unshed tears away, Isabella opened the door and stepped inside, Hunter didn't immediately turn around no doubt angry yet again at Isabella, she knew she deserved every inch of his anger - she'd hardly been acting the best mate to Hunter recently.

When Hunter did finally turn around, his eyes were hardened but the second his eyes laid on Isabella they filled with concern. Sure enough Gabiella was snuggled into the crook of his arm but he soon placed her down next to Greyson.

"Bella? What is it?" Hunter asked too scared to move, something was different in Isabella, he had seen her scared before but this was a type of scared he had never seen and it instantly terrified him

Isabella couldn't move, she wanted nothing more than to run into his arms and never leave but she couldn't. Isabella was sure that her feet had been stuck to the floor so instead of moving Isabella just broke down, she started to sob in a way that she never had.

Hunter rushed forward and scooped Isabella up into his arms and started to rock her, he then picked her up bridal style and took her to the bed, he sat up leaning against the back board of the bed and help Isabella in his arms rocking her gently while shushing her softly and placing kissing along her face.

"Please tell me what's wrong? I'll fix it" Hunter begs pushing Isabella's hair out of her eyes

"Y-you c-c-can't fix i-it" Isabella hiccuped the tears streaming down her face

"I'll do anything I need to" Hunter whispered, he lifted Isabella's chin up so her watery eyes met his 

Isabella spent the next what felt like forever explaining everything, there wasn't a single detail that she held back. Isabella told the full story right from the beginning, even the things Hunter knew, Isabella explained again. There was no holding back and if this was going to be dealt with they needed to be a team again.

Isabella could feel the anger radiating from Hunter throughout the whole, his hands curled into fists when she mentioned what Daphne had said about the twins.

"They're not safe here" Isabella said, she knew deep down what she needed to do but she wasn't ready to accept it 

"But what do we do?" Hunter asked in confusion, he clearly hadn't connected the dots yet 

Isabella took a deep shaky breath, she looked into Hunter's eyes before whispering "We need to send them away"

Hunter let out a huge growl that made Isabella jump slightly, his eyes darkened in angry, he placed Isabella on the bed so he could stand up and pace the room taking deep breaths to try and calm himself down. Hunter was clearly trying to ensure he didn't shift  at the anger, his wolf wanted to front so that he could tear every single person apart that threatened his mate and his pups safety.

"I will not send my children away" Hunter growls when he is able to speak

"What else do you think? How do we fight this head on while looking after them?" Isabella asked, she knew Hunter was a smart man particularly when conflict was involved and he knew that this was the only way but accepting it and putting a plan in place was a different matter.

"I.... I don't know Bella" Hunter said his head dropping to his chest, when he looked up his eyes were filed with tears 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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