Chapter 32 - Jimin

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[TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of rape, prostitution, abuse]

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[TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of rape, prostitution, abuse]

The potion Luna made tasted like flowers and was almost like a tea. It was way easier to drink than Amelia's potion, really. And only fifteen minutes later it was already taking effect. Her body relaxed greatly and the pain relieved. She had no idea how long it would last but however much that was, it was definitely welcome.

Mina took the opportunity to get up from bed and shower, finding some sort of peace of mind when the hot water didn't bother her. For some reason she didn't feel bad for going back to Jimin's room and sitting there, basking in the scent of him. It was strange... Anyone would be feeling bad for using his room like that, instead she was using his room like a shelter. Bergamot was all over her clothes now, too.

She sat on his bed, Tarot deck in front of her, untouched. She kept thinking back to the last readings she had done.

The Lovers.

That specific card had been haunting her for the last past readings Mina had done. And she always felt the same way about the card. Jimin... God, she hated not having any sort of control over this sort of thing. It was daunting.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the door finally opened.

Mina raised her head, alarmed. Had she really just stayed there in bed for a pair of hours, staring at the cards?

Jimin walked in the room, rolling his shoulder like he was bothered by some ache there. He closed the door behind him, locking it, and then walked up to the bed to sit down. He seemed tired.

"Are you okay?" She softly asked, studying the way he was moving his shoulder.

Jimin sighed and nodded, allowing himself to fall on the bed. He had his eyes closed, breathing steadily.

Mina was taking the time to appreciate him. He had a soft look to him that made him look handsome. His jaw was sharp and cheekbones high, but then his cheeks were a little softer and his lips were beautifully plump and pillowy, which Mina knew for a fact were warm and soft. His features were so soft that anyone would expect him to look feminine, but instead it only made him look even more alluring. His eyes were intense too, dark and smoky.

Right now, the way his blueish gray hair was falling back, exposing his forehead, made Mina's fingers tingle to touch the soft strands and want to run her nails over his scalp. She wondered if that would help him relax...

Ever so slightly, Mina moved herself so she was kneeling beside Jimin and then slowly brought her hand up to his head and moved it to run her fingers through his hair. Instantly, a groan came from him, as he sighed in relaxation and leaned into her touch a bit.

"I'm glad you stayed here..." Jimin mumbled, his voice gravely from being so relaxed "I thought you would go back to your room and I didn't want that."

Mina was a little awed by that. Thank God he felt like that because Mina felt great in his room. She used her nails to massage his scalp.

"As long as you're okay with it, I can stay." She said back, feeling herself flush a bit.

Jimin nodded slightly under her hand and licked his lips.

"I'd love for you to stay here."

When Mina stroked his scalp again, Jimin groaned again, and this time the sound creeped all the way through her spine, making the heat bloom between her legs and a flush warm up her cheeks.

Mina cleared her throat and slowly retrieved her hand, trying to create some distance between the two of them. On the lack of touch, Jimin opened his eyes and moved his head to look at Mina, his brows slightly coming together.

"Does it hurt?"

Mina felt herself become overwhelmed by a feeling of shame. She hated this.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me."

His eyes became sad at the coldness of her voice, the way her demeanor completely changed to a distant one.

Sighing one more time, Jimin got up and went to the closet to get rid of his leather jacket and then grabbing a change of clothes. Mina watched him quietly move to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Not long after, she heard the shower run.

Mina looked at the deck of Tarot still untouched on the bed.

An idea came to mind. Maybe this was one way of distracting herself? Hopefully Jimin agreed.

When the door opened back up, Jimin walked out with those grey sweatpants and loose, thin white t-shirt that could be considered see through, at this point. And he was drying his hair with a towel, scrubbing his damp strands of dyed hair.

"Hey, Jimin?" She called, making him look over at her "Since I screwed up yesterday... I can still do that reading today?"

Jimin raised his eyebrows, a flash of enthusiasm going through his eyes.

"But haven't you been doing readings? I saw the cards there..."

"Oh, I didn't draw cards. So I can do one for you."

Jimin nodded excitedly, his lips extending in a smile and his eyes gleaming with sudden energy. Mina smiled when she saw how excited he looked. She had never met anyone that seemed excited about this. But the thing with Jimin was, he always looked excited when she spoke of something. Mina had noticed it back in the living room, when she explained about Tarot.

"Do you have any candles?" Mina asked, looking around the room from the bed.

Jimin brought the two candles Luna had brought the day before from the desk and put them in the bedside table nearest to her.

"I'll go grab a lighter, wait a second- "

He clipped his mouth shut when Mina slightly moved two fingers and the candles lit up on their own accord. He looked at the burning candles, dumbfounded, blinking like an idiot.


Mina laughed low, looking at his surprised expression.

"I swear, you're adorable." She said, shaking her head in disbelief. He really always seemed so fascinated every time any of them used magic.

"For a second there I forgot you can do that."

That only made Mina laugh a little more, this time picking up the cards with a smile still on her face. Jimin came to sit on the bed as well, sitting in front of her cross legged, like Mina was. He looked closely as Mina placed her palm on top of the deck and closed her eyes momentarily.

"So, do I have to do anything?" He whispered, afraid to bother her.

"I'll tell you when you do." Mina playfully whispered back, creaking one eye open to gaze at his reaction.

It didn't disappoint. Jimin blushed and bit his lip bashfully.

She giggled again, then focusing back on the cards for a second. Mina then opened her eyes and asked Jimin for his hand, that he promptly offered. Ignoring the heat that formed at her center again when she felt his hand on hers, Mina placed his palm on the deck and channeled his energy into the cards. Usually, this was not needed. She really could just pull out someone's cards without channeling any energy into them.

But, today, Mina wanted to focus only on him. Jimin deserved that.

And then she started shuffling the cards, moving them elegantly in between her hands. Jimin was staring quietly at the way Mina moved her hands, the cards almost floating in between them as she moved the gold and navy cards to mix them together. At one point, Mina even showed off a little, by making the cards literally float and spin midair. She gushed when Jimin went wide eyed and looked fascinated at her.

She knew when to stop. Mina could feel the cards ready in her hands, so she stopped and made them all neat in their deck before drawing six cards, placing them in the order and shape she preferred most. Mina always drew the cards face down and read them as she went. This time was not different.

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