The Next Few Months

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The next few months were very eventful for Snick as they went on yet again another trip, worked on their newest song and prepared themselves for going on tour in July and August. 

The first thing Snick had in mind was to go on another vacation, but this time it was to Las Vegas. This was one of Snick's last big vacations before getting back to work really hard. They already had a date set in early June for the recording of their new song.

One of the first things Symonne and Nick had in mind when going to Las Vegas was to revisit the spot where Nick had proposed to Symonne on camera and where they got married; except that it was just a prank on the fans and all of their friends back at home. Snick had a blast during their trip to Vegas, but Symonne's dog Cali was super excited to see everyone when they got home. The joy was short lived as Snick traveled again, but this time to New York City. 

Symonne and Nick got to visit Times Square and had many adventures in New York taking lots and lots of photos for Instagram and making a bunch of TikToks.

Once Symonne and Nick got back from NYC it was only two weeks away from Snick recording their new song and only a couple of months until they were going on the Boys of Summer Tour.

The day had finally arrived when Snick was set to record their song. 

"I am so excited!" Nick said, as him and Symonne were pulling up to the studio.

It took Snick a couple of hours to set up and record their song.

"I am so happy with how our new song turned out!!" Symonne said to Nick after they listened to the finished product for the first time. "I can't wait for our fans to hear this," Nick said.

Birthday Parties (insert here)

The first date of tour started on July 16th 2022 and Snick could not be more excited to get to perform live on tour and meet some of their fans. Most of the tour went along smoothly until the final date of the tour on August 10th in Houston, when Symonne woke up not feeling so good.

"Hey Nick, I'm not feeling so well," Symonne said to Nick.

"What's wrong?" Nick remarked back.

"I feel really dizzy and I have a headache, I really don't want to cancel on our last day of tour. Hopefully I feel better and I can push through it," Symonne responded to Nick. 

"Yeah hopefully," Nick said back.

Symonne ended up feeling a little better and was able to finish up the last day of tour and they ended up heading home.

Symonne and Nick headed to the airport next to head home to Los Angeles or more Specifically Agoura Hills. On the plane Symonne ate a bunch of snacks and Nick wondered why because she had a big breakfast before getting on the plane.

"Symonne, why are you eating so much we just had a big breakfast?" Nick questioned. 

"I'm just really hungry right now," Symonne said back to Nick.

Nick suggested Symonne weigh herself when they get back since she's been eating all of this food. Symonne weighed herself after everyone unpacked and was in shock to see that she was 108 pounds. The last time she had weighed herself was when she went to her yearly doctors appointment and she had seen that she was 98 pounds. 

Nick then said, "See, I told you that you were going to gain weight by eating all of this food."

Symonne responded with, "I can't help it if I'm hungry all the time, if I don't eat this much I feel like I'll starve."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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