Chapter 1: The teams

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Balloon wakes up in a jungle area. He would have no idea what was going on, nor where he was. "Did I sleep for a thousand years?" He would stand up. "Maybe this is for a challenge, who can... make there way out of the jungle! I can't let my team lose... I gotta go!" He would start running off, until getting blasted by snot

"Ow- Hey!" Balloon would be startled. The bushes would rustle. "Who's there..?" Balloon would say, obvious that he's scared. Tissues would come out of the bushes. "I-I'm sorry! Blame my condition!" He would sneeze on balloon once again.

"One more time and I might pop!" Balloon would say anxiously. "But it's my condition!" Tissues would yell back, sneezing. "Wait just a minute... your not in Inanimate Insanity 3!" Balloon would realize. "But I just woke up he-" Tissues sneezes.

Suddenly a voice coming on the speakers would say, "Welcome one and all to... the Inanimate Insanity Hunger Games! Season 2 and 3 were dragging on way to long. So, if you get killed... your killed. There will be weapons around the area, Jungle, Snow, and Desert, to fight with. The last one standing wins with 1 million dollars!" The intercom would stop.

Balloon would be in complete shock, knowing he would in no world, win. Balloon would turn at Tissue. "Y-you wouldn't...?" "I won't." Tissue responds, sneezing. Balloon has his hand out at Tissues. "Alliance...?" Tissue would shake Balloons hand. "Let's see if there's a escape anywhere..." Balloon says, walking off with Tissues


"Oh my gosh-" Salt says. "How can you eat these disgusting cookies?" Salt questions. "How could you not?" Lightbulb says back to Salt. They would both be in the Desert. Then they would here MePhone4 over the speakers.

Salt goes into a fighting stance at Lightbulb. "Woah! I wouldn't hurt a fly!" Lightbulb would say, backing away. "I need to find Pepper..." Salt would mumble. Salt would run away.

"Welp.... I guess I'll do the same." Lightbulb walks away.


Balloon and Tissues would make it to the barrier of the island. Balloon would throw a stick at it. "Ok.. I think it's safe." Tissue would run up to it and bang on it, getting electrocuted. Tissue dies. A cannon shot can be heard in the distance. Balloon would stand there in shock of what just happened.


Suitcase would be floating on a iceberg. "S-so... cold." Someone would be with Suitcase. That was Goo. "I-if only we had arms to swim!" Goo would say, disappointed. "C-can't you float." Suitcase would mention. "Yea but..." Goo realized what would have to be done. "I don't wanna leave you!" "It's ok Goo. It's not like i'm gonna win anyways" Goo would inflate himself and jump in the water. "Come on Suitcase! Get on quickly!" Goo would yell. Suitcase would get onto Goo. Goo would direct himself to the ending of the cold, ice, lake.

Suitcase would hop off goo and help goo get out of the lake. Yin-Yang would jump in-front of them. Ying would shout "On guard!" His sword pointing at Suitcase.

"Be our loyal servants and we might just spare yo-" Ying would get interrupted by Yin. "Oh hey goo! Would you like to travel with us?" "Yea sure!" Goo would respond. "Oh... Yin-Yang" Suitcase would mumble.

"What was that?" Yin would ask Suitcase. "O-oh... we should get a move on!" "Lead the way Yin and Yang!" Goo says happily. The 4 pals would walk away.


Taco would be walking around with her gun, ready to shoot anyone she can. She hears talking and hides behind a bush, spying on those 2 people. "Pepper!" Salt would shout with joy. "Salt!" Pepper would yell back.

Salt would run full speed at Pepper, but Salt trips on a rock and shatters. A cannon shot can be heard in the distance.

Pepper would looked shocked. Taco would then come out of the bush. Pepper would glance at Taco. "TACO?!?" Pepper would be petrified.

"Yes it's me, taco." She would say calmly. "Sour cream." She would say, mocking herself. "I see your... bestie has died." Pepper would stand still. "So are you gonna speak or do I have to end it here." Taco would point her gun at Pepper. "Ok ok I'll talk! I peed myself the first day in OJ hotel, it was me it was me!" Pepper would say, scared. "Oh I don't care about that, I want you to tell me as much info as you can on the other contestants. Now." Taco demands.

"Salt likes OJ! Now please leave me alone!" Pepper pleads. "Oh come on that was obvious." Taco says. "Well, au revoir. Taco would shoot Pepper, shattering her. A cannon shot could be heard in the distance.


Box would be in the ocean. "Man down, man DOWN!" Lifering would jump in the cold water trying to save box from drowning. It would be hard, since Lifering was filled with air, but he was determined. Lifering would get box and swim back up for air.

Lifering would place box on the ice and perform CPR. "Stay with me box!" It would start snowing which made it harder for Box to live. Box would be dead. "BOX!" Lifering cried out. "We lost a fellow member. Your presence will be appreciated." A cannon shot would be fired in the distance.

Lifering would look at Silver Spoon. "Why did you do that!" Lifering would yell at Silver Spoon. "Just to increase my chances at winning!" "It's getting dark anyway. Go back to your mommy." Silver Spoon would walk away.


Cabby would be writing in her files. Cabby would see Taco run up to her. Taco would point her gun at Cabby. "Woah! Calm down... I'm gonna need to add reckless to your file!" "File?" Taco would notice the files in her. "Solid info? Let me get in on this!" "HEY, don't touch my files!" Cabby would scream at Taco. Taco would hold the trigger on her gun. "Give me sole files on the other players, NOW. Taco would demand.

Cabby would toss Taco one of her files about Silver Spoon. "Now it's time to write about... I- I don't have you..." Cabby would seem confused. "Wait are you... Taco?" Cabby would ask. "Yes.." "I've been dying to meet you!" Cabby would be static. "Here's all the info you need!" Cabby would be sharing her files with Taco all day.

And that's where we leave off

Are you proud of me? 1000 whole words!!!! Ok bye.

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