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SPENDING THE night in the plain valley, the men Gatria was traveling with wanted to make a tent for her, but Gatria declined the idea. The weather was nice and so the stars that adorned the night sky. Gatria wanted to fall asleep staring at it. Therefore, after their simple meal, Gatria made her bed— a flower petal bed made from her essence— and laid on it to watch the sky.

As she watched the stars, she could hear Treven doing his best to make Zarek understand his intention again, but Zarek was as clueless as ever. Grath volunteered to be the designated watch for the night. While Drago— well, he laid himself an arm length away from her and gazed at the stars as well.

It was peaceful, until Drago asked the question she didn't want to hear nor answer. "How are you and Warlord Kar?"

But as much as she didn't want to answer Drago, her mouth opened to do just that. "Something..." happened. That was her supposed answer, but there was something in Drago's tone that made her feel like answering truthfully, so she did. "He... betrayed me."

Drago was silent for a long time that Gatria thought he had lost interest in their conversation, but then, she heard his low, deep voice.

"You're in pain." It was not a question, but a statement that Gatria didn't deny. "You still love him."

Gatria wanted to deny those words, but her mouth could only open and no words would come out.

Turning her head at Drago, she saw him smile while staring at the night sky. "Warlord Kar adored you so much, so I'm having a hard time believing that he betrayed you. Maybe... there's a reason behind it." His head turned to face her and their eyes met, "don't you want to find out?"

Gatria's whole face became void of emotion as she placed her hand over her chest. "Will... it change anything?"

"It might."

"Or it might not." Gatria returned her gaze at the stars. "I feel nothing but pain. Thinking about him suffocates me. I want to kill him. How could there be love when all I feel is excruciating anguish and agony?" A lone tear fell from Gatria's eyes. "If this was love, then I don't want it."

Drago became silent, after a short while, Gatria felt a finger drying her tear.

"Forgive me." Drago whispered. "I didn't mean to make you cry."

Gatria's gaze remained at the stars in the night sky. "I know. It's okay."

Drago didn't speak after that. He remained silent as he watched the stars with Gatria.

After a long while, when night had deepened, Drago turned to Gatria. "Can't sleep?"

Gatria blinked at the night sky. When she didn't answer, she heard a beautiful, deep humming sound from beside her.

A soft melody that lulled her to sleep.

The next thing she knew, she was in deep slumber and only woke up when the sky started to brighten in the horizon.

Stretching her body, Gatria started her day by washing her face with the water she stored in her ring storage, then she boiled some water using their campfire.

"Why is the queen doing all the chores?"

Gatria turned to her side to see Drago sitting on the log next to her. He just woke up and just finished washing his face, but Gatria couldn't deny that Drago was handsome even when his hair was disheveled.

"My kingdom had long fallen," Gatria answered as she reached for Drago's hair to fix it, "it's just a useless title at this point."

Drago became silent and frozen while Gatria was fixing his hair as if it was a natural to do so. He didn't know if Gatria noticed, but he literally didn't know what to do. He just sat there until Gatria withdraw her hands from his hair.

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