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**Y/n pov**

Everyone went silent. Bts member close their eyes tightly and they stop speaking. Sweat is visible on their foreheads. There hearts are beating like a metro train.
Y/n , she gulp her saliva as she saw flying diapers with poop is lended on her 3 precious brothers face.

She slowly put j-hope branded bag on stair and get out of the mansion slowly

Bts  members open their eyes and check themselves hurriedly after checking they sigh in relief accept 3

Taehyung, namjoon, j-hope look at each other they sigh than they look around and start laughing suga also join them while jin, jungkook and jimin is getting red on anger

Jin,  jimin, jungkook= Y/NNNN

They scream on the top of their lungs.

They three went to washroom to clean their faces as other bts member again start finding you in anger

~~Meanwhile y/n~~

Y/n= hahhahahhah

I am laughing while thinking about their reaction. I come on the backside of the mansion

Y/n= ohh clam down clam down y/n . They must start founding me till now right

I think and start roaming around

Kim's mansion is soo big I still did not able to know everything about the front and inside mansion

But the back side of the Kim mansion is also too big

But I guess today I have time till my brothers found me.

I think and start roaming around .there were so many rooms.

I open the first room, switch on the lights and saw food grains, meat, fruits and many more food related items. So it's the food storage room it's so huge. I turn back close the lights and came out and close the room.

I again start walking I saw one more room but this one is locked. So I leave it and again start walking after few steps I gain saw room but this one is also locked. Damn. Total 7 to 8 rooms are locked and now I am getting bore.

I again saw a room

Y/n= I guess this one is also locked

I say while touching the door and kick it in anger but to my surprise it's open

Y/n = whaa that the power of my kick, door. Never mess with Kim y/n ...

I went inside the light are on. And it's a library. And this library is so huge.

I start looking at the books their were nobles, and many more well known books, also chemistry, biology, history, maths, and all subjects books. The book are not ending but I smile as I saw comics were also their. Manga comics. I take out one and start reading.

I am reading comics but than I heard some foot steps sound. I walk towards the sound and saw Mr. han(the head gaurd)
And many more gaurds with loaded guns are coming out from the wall,or I should say a secret room.

I hide behind the bookshelf and listen them

Mr. Han= gaurds ,Guard the room from out side and make sure that no one enter in. I will go and inform the young masters that we catch the betrayer.
Got it.

GAURDS = yes sir

Mr han left the room as gaurds follow them, they went out and close the door from out side.

Y/n= betrayer but who and what is this room for.

I think and walk towards the room I am standing out while thinking

Y/n= should I go or not

I think, well I don't want to go inside as I am a bit scared but on the other side I am so FUCKING excited to go inside and I walk inside as my excitement won.

The way is so dark I try to found the switch but than I steps joltedly stop and my breath also stop sweat start appearing due to nervousness  . Slowly move my steps on darkness and guess what it was stairs which take the shit out of me. I start walking on stairs and after 3 to 4 minutes I reach the ground. And their is lights and the path is also well maintaied just like the mansion.

And their were also so many rooms

I enter in the first room

Y/n= wow

It is a meeting room and it's so freaking cool

I come out and and walk inside the 2nd room and it is super cool. It has a huge screen a lot of switches and overall it look like a tracking or spy room just like we see in movies.

I again walk inside in the 3rd room and my eyes are ready to pop out because their were Guns, guns and guns.

Many different kinds of guns were present their. No not only guns knife's,  and many different kind of  cutters swords and bombs.

I come out  nervously and walk inside the last room and thats my biggest mistake 

As I come in I smell the strong smell of blood . Which make me feel like vomit I look around and my breath hitch. The floor is covered with blood. A man is chained in the wall he have brusies all over his body blood is dripping from his mouth and he is unconscious. Than I saw a man is  in chair but he is covered with blood. He's shirt is torn and 2 big iron nail is ironed in his hands. He is making me feel like he get tortured badly. And 7 bullet marks are visible on his body one in his head and others in his body means he is dead.

Their were many tortured things like drilling machines ,knife's, cutters, hunters, salt, and many more are arranged on a huge table in a decorative manner. And also 7 chairs. These chairs are designed as king chairs all are same

??= pl-lease h-he-lp me

My vision got shifted to that chained man
His voice is so painful I slowly take small steps towards him while my heart is paining badly, my body is sweating, I am feeling fear first time, tears are dripping from my eyes unknowingly, I can't tolerate the blood smell anymore my head start spinning

??= pl-l-ease s-av-e me

His voice, his words are roaming in my head I fell down on my knees as my body start feeling lifeless.

I put hands on my head as it start spinning. My eyes are feeling heavy.

•~~•door opens•~~•

All I can hear is that chained man pleading and the door opening sound..... And....

Everything get black


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