Chapter 1

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No smut/weird stuff they're minors weirdo
Just hugs and kisses. 😡

Also, I'll be switching from Nate to Nick since I can lol. Enjoy the story

Also like I decided to make Max AMAB, or a biological male and the same goes for Nate because I love them smmm they're adorable together

Coomera "Max", also known as Coom, or Baymax, as Nate would call him, was in love with an amazing person, with an amazing personality, Nate or in some cases, also "Nick."

They were both in love. Definitely obvious.

Coomera was just an ordinary student, Nate was also an ordinary student. They were both intelligent, they were about 16 years old. The first time they met was at lunch, through a friend. They were definitely madly in love. When they both laid eyes on each other for the first time, they both knew they were soulmates.

Max was shopping in his local store, for food and other stuff that he needs. Surprisingly, he saw Nick. Well, you'd say that was embarrassing, right? Well no. They are actually good friends. They are both madly crushing on each other. Coom was choosing to either walk up to him and say hey, or just pretend he didn't see him. Until, Nate was the first to walk to him between them both. He was scanning him, forgetting he was actually in front of him.

"What are you looking at?" Nate asked Max, concerned as he greeted him with his usual cheery tone. Max didn't reply then realised he was actually in front of him. He was embarrassed so he just waved back with a big smile.

"Oh alright, just wanted to say hey." Nate said then walked away with a wave. When it came to social interaction, he was bad at that. He loves Nick's usual smile, and basically everything about him. He loves him a LOT. He realised then grabbed his groceries and ran to him.

"I'm so sorry about that earlier, Nick." Max apologised to Nick, still embarrassed from the earlier interaction. "It's completely fine, do you need anything?" Nate asked.

"No, Not at all. I just wanted to talk and see how you're doing." Max replied with a smile on his face, obviously wanting to kiss him (LMFAOOO) Nate absolutely loved his smile, he even adored it. It was adorable to him.

"Oh, I'm doing fine, and you?" Nate asked in response. They just had a normal conversation and everything. Something stopped Coomera though, he looked at his phone and realised it was 7:54 PM. He told himself he would be home at 8:00 sharp.

"I'm sorry but I have to go now Nick, I apologise. I'll text you when I arrive, see you later!" Coomera ran to the cash register. He quickly paid for the stuff and left. He ran to his house and placed whatever he bought somewhere. The first thing he did was run to his bedroom and call Nick. He was waiting for him to pick up the phone. Unfortunately, Nate was busy. So he decided to take a short nap and wait for the phone to ring. Eventually, it did. He picked it up.

"Hey Baymaxx!" Nick greeted with a very cheery tone.

Coomera loved the sound of his voice so much. He wished he heard it everyday and he likes it when his name rolls off his tongue. "Hey Nick!" Coomera greeted Nate. Nate could tell he had just woken up or was just really tired. He liked it though.

"Let me guess, did you just wake up?" He asked in a sweet-babying tone jokingly.

"Yes I did." Coomera replied, sorta flustered.

"Well, would you like to go somewhere tomorrow?" Nate asked very excitedly.

"Of course! I- I mean sure." Max replied, with a very shy tone.

"Well, okay but what time?" Nate asked. He knew Max was flustered.

"Maybe 12:00 PM?" Max asked Nate.

"12:00 PM isn't bad, maybe at the Coast Café?" Nate asked.

"Good idea! Sure" Max replied.

"I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight Nick!" Max replied.

"Goodnight Max!" Nate replied.

TIME SKIP - 11:10 AM

Max had just woken up early. He was about to get ready for the dat- er- hang-out. He was so excited about meeting Nick again, but there was a single problem. Whenever he thought of Nate, he would visibly blush. So he had to make an excuse for that. "Hmm- maybe embarrassment?" He didn't know. He just went to his closet and wore a beige sweater vest over a plain white t-shirt. He then found some denim bottoms to go with the shirt, then found a pair of clean white sneakers. He bought them weeks ago, but never used them. Don't worry, he didn't forget about the socks. There was a pair of white fire sunglasses (I have no idea what they're called btw 😭) so he wore that aswell. His outfit was pretty good for this "hang-out" he was going to with Nate. To finish the outfit, all he needed was a beige cotton bucket hat. "Not bad... for someone who has no taste in fashion." Max told himself as he stared at his outfit in the mirror. He then heard his alarm go off, 11:35 AM. "Oh shit-" Max said, remembering the hang-out. "I'm gonna be late for the hangout!" Max thought to himself. He quickly grabbed a bottle of perfume and sprayed it then rushed outside. He then opened his phone for directions. "Coast- Café." Max typed in.

Surprisingly, it was very near. All he had to do was walk over to a nearby park. Until, he bumped into a familiar.. being. Surprisingly it was his ex, Yara. "Oh I'm so very sor- Max?" Yara paused as she realised her ex was right in front of her. That was.. embarrassing? "Yara?" Max replied in shock. He'd never knew she moved here? "What- since when were you here? In like a genuine way if you know what I mean-" Max questioned Yara as he slowly began panicking. He had no time for chit-chatting, especially with his ex, like I mean that's embarrassing and he's gonna be late! "I moved in here a couple months ago, I forgot that you lived here." Yara responded to Max's inquiry. "Yeah haha- right Yara I apologise but I have to go to something important! I'll text you later if I can alright? See you then!" Max ran off to the Café.

As he entered he saw Nate in a stunning outfit. He blushed bright red as he saw Nate walk up to him. "Wh- I- Hi Nick!" Max panicked as he greeted Nate. "You look amazing!" Nate complimented Max's outfit. "Why- Thank you!" Max replied, with an uncontrollable smile. "Let's find a table first." Nate said to Max as he went to find an empty table. "Come here I found one!" Nate told Max. They both went to the empty table and looked at the menu. As they both look through some of the choices they finally see the one they want. "Hello, welcome to the Coast Café! Is there anything you'd like to order?" The waiter greeted us with a big smile. "Oh um- Sure!" Nate replied. "I'd like to order one Vanilla Latte please." Nate replied to the waiter. "One vanilla latte- There, how about you sir?" The waiter lady wrote in her notepad as she asked for Max's order next. "I would like to order one hot chocolate please." Max replied. "All great and ready to go- is that all?" The lady finalised the order. They both nodded and the lady walked off with a smile and a thumbs-up.

later because i cant think of anything else yas

"One vanilla latte and one hot chocolate. Enjoy!" The lady gave us our drinks. "Thank you!" They both thanked the lady.
Until Max spotted something outside. It was a person, but they looked familiar. "Sorry but can I go to the restroom first?" Max lied, just to get an excuse to go outside and check who was looking at him. "Of course." Nate replied. Max nodded and rushed to the male restroom, just to act as if he actually needed to go to the restroom. After a minute or two, he sneakily left the restroom to check who was looking outside. He ran out of the café and caught who was staring at him. It was Yara.

1413 words 😂😂👌👌

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