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He fell. Being completely silent. Not sure if screaming was possible. Wondering what the point of it would be. He wasn't scared. He knew that nobody can save him. Why would he scream? That would only bring the others down with him. The others deserved a chance to run. Run whilst they can. Anyway, he needs the air. The glorious air. He would never again feel it's cool touch against the back of his throat. It is peaceful almost. It couldn't have felt better. He opens his bright blue eyes, watching the harsh winds beat against his bare skin. He can almost see it flowing, like coloured gas. Making way for his fast falling corpse. He can picture the rocks behind him, zooming past as he flew. Would this be the last thing he ever saw? A grey muddy wall. No. The boy gets to choose. His thoughts go to his parents and sister. However he can only think of the bad memories. Why? Why can't he remember?

He hears a siren. What? He thinks. The lifeboat docks! He looks down and see's the fast approaching ocean. But the docks were there! Could he be saved? He dared to ask himself.

He holds his hands out in front of him as a brace for the icy cold drink.

He stings all over from impact, his teeth floating around in his mouth. He struggles to get to the surface. It feels like being buried under countless pillows and blankets. It feels like swimming through mud. It feels like death. He reaches the air, and takes in a deep breath. All his teeth are sucked in to his lungs, choking him. In his coughs and confusion he goes under, grabbing his throat with one hand and attempting to swim with another. His eyes sting in the salt, however he can make out a ship. He is saved. The current pulls him towards it, but the boy still hasn't surfaced. They won't see him.

"He-" he muffles in such a way it would go unrecognised to even someone with the most sensitive hearing. The boy is feeling faint. The boat about 10 metres away now. He hears voices calling out. He wasn't going to die today. He let go of his throat and swam as hard as he could. The boy looks again at the boat. But is met by just the propellers. Spinning furiously.

He is dead.

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