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<Spoiler warning! Go play the Angels of the Zariman quest if you haven't already. If you don't care about spoilers, go right on ahead.>

A liset landing craft bearing the Lotus's colors falls down to a Grineer dock, letting Lotus and a Rhino out of the back.

Rhino: "You sure this is the place? Looks abandoned, maybe we shouldn't be here."

Lotus: "Worry not. I've been here before, I just need to find someone. Stay up here. And do not attack anything that may walk up here, unless it is Grineer or Corpus."

Rhino: "Well... fine."

The Lotus walks down into the Grineer camp, taking a few elevators. She reaches the bottom,and walks through until she reaches a locked door. Lotus walks into a side cave, seeing Hunhow and Eclipse talking. She walks in, and taps the tenno.

Lotus: "Excuse me, may I have a moment?"

Hunhow: "Of course."

Eclipse: "Hmm? Oh, Lotus! Hi!"

Lotus: "Hello, tenno. Recently, a void rupture has opened, causing the Zariman 10-0 to appear once more. We need you to go secure it, seeing as you're the only one capable of the task. I have come with another tenno, to get you in there, seeing as the railjack is too large. Also, to get you used to other tenno. I suspect that if it were to go well, other tenno would start flowing in near instantly, turning it into a new hub. Are you up to the task, or do you wish for me to find another for the job?"

Eclipse: "I think the Zariman sounds cool, so yeah sure. I'll do it."

Eclipse uses transference, putting Equinox into it's day form. The Lotus walks with Eclipse, who becomes increasingly nervous due to the fact that they had never seen another tenno before. They walked back out to the Rhino waiting, looking up to see them.

Rhino: "So, this is the tenno?"

Lotus: "Yes. You two will be working together to save the Zariman, if any of it remains."

Rhino: "Right. Well, I'm Elruik. Nice to meet you."

Eclipse slowly stepped forward, looking to Elruik.

Eclipse: "I'm Eclipse."

They shook hands, and flew back off to Elruik's orbiter. Eclipse remained next to the codex the whole time, looking through information on different enemies, factions, and companions. Once they arrived, Eclipse looked out the front window, looking in awe to the huge ship lodged in a tear in space. Eclipse and Elruik flew off while Lotus stayed in the orbiter, in order to watch for any changes with the ship itself. The liset dropped to a ledge, letting them disembark. As they walked, they noticed red blimps and communication towers.

Elruik: "The grineer are here. Stay prepared, we don't know what they're doing."

Eclipse: "O-ok. Although this place looks oddly familiar..."

They walked through, killing rampant grineer. Eventually, they get to an open area, that appeared to be an old recreational zone. Suddnly, what they thought to be a statue moved, taking a more humanoid shape. It attacked the two, knocking them out. When they awoke, they were on separate beds, in what appeared to be a bedroom of sorts. Eclipse stood, and saw that she was no longer in Equinox. Being curious, she walked to the other bed to see Elruik, but in a tenno form, the basic Koppra space suit to be specific. Noticing this, she took Elruik out to the front, past a main room, and out into a hall. As she suspected, two warframes sat limp near a balcony, an Equinox, and a destroyed-looking Rhino. Eclipse sat Elruik near the Rhino, and used Transference to get into Equinox. Eclipse picked up Elruik once more, and carried him to an elevator. Rubedo sat up from a laying position near the wall, and joined them. They used the elevator to travel to the top, when Elruik awoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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