The knock

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I gathered enough courage to knock on the door of 221B Baker Street; I was hesitant at first but Mycroft was to much of a jackass to let me stay with him. A handsome man opened the door as I stood there smiling.
"You must be John, Sherlock's boyfriend, I am Marie Holmes pleased to meet you" I said as he stood there dumbfounded.
"Sherlock you have a visitor" he yelled up. I rolled my eyes, ugh why does Sherlock's toy always have to be so obedient.
"I can tell by the way your standing you are worried, you have a coffee stain on your shirt about a week old; the coffee had no sugar, and to put the icing on the cake you served as a military doctor in Afghanistan" I told John. That is when Locky came down with a grim look on his face.
"Oh Locky have you been up to your old habits?" I asked. He pondered for 3.45 seconds until replying.
"Marie why don't you come and sit down" he retorted changing the subject. His flat was uh how do you describe something that horrid. The walls didn't match it was just bleh.
"So Marie how old are you?" Asked John.
"Well I'm 24 but I like to think of myself older" I replied. Then a nice woman walked in asking for tea.
"Sherlock dear would you like some tea" she asked.
"Yes Ms. Hudson I would and some crumpets" he said.
"Just remember dear I'm your landlady not your housekeeper" she yelled walking down the stairs. I like that woman she's just like the mother Sherlock never wanted.
"I thought you were staying with Mycroft?" Sherlock said. I smirked remembering what had happened when he wouldn't let me stay. The blood running down his face as I cleaned my hands on his handkerchief.
"No something happened" I replied. We sat there for about an hour sipping tea and eating crumpets.
"I have a feeling There is going to be a nice murder for us" I said out loud. John looked as pale as a ghost it was hilarious.
"What do you mean when you said us?" He asked.
"Well I'm a Holmes child I'm not going to sit here and watch tv while you go out and solve a murder lets go" I excitedly said. We got to the crime scene which was.....a daycare? What person would kill innocent children? So many questions were going through my head, a storm that wouldn't settle until I figured out who did it. My eye caught something in the corner and I walked over to where it was. When I got there it was an apple, definitely bitten but it had letters on it. I turned the apple over and all the apple said was...... I O U.
"James" I whispered under my breath. Why did Jim do this? How is he here?
"John I've found something" I yelled over. They ( the couple ) ran over and blankly stared.
"Oh my god it's him again" John said.
"Sherlock I have something to tell you; how do I say this well me and Jim we know each other and we are engaged"'I meekly told them.

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