Chapter 9 - Run To You

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Lena was recovering well, remembering a thing or two each day, giving signs that her memories would all return soon. Kara worried that she would remember the attack she had suffered and become agitated, nervous, and afraid of what these very strong emotions would do to her recovery. As the doctor had instructed, no one forced Lena's memories. Everyone was by her side, watching her evolution with each new memory retrieved.

Kara was the most frequent visitor. She was often asked to go home and rest, to which she always replied, "I'm not going anywhere." And there she stayed. Day and night next to Lena.

Kara also always tried to get Vik to participate in Lena's recovery. She knew Lena's recovery was part of Vik's own recovery. The guilt was slowly disappearing from her chest as she saw that Lena was getting a little better every day. It was a sure bet from Kara.

On one of these visits, Lena spent several seconds looking at the Kryptonians, sitting there on the couch inside her hospital room. They noticed that Lena was watching them with interest, they exchanged puzzled looks, until Kara decided to ask:

"Lena? Are you all right?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" She replied smiling.

"Nothing in particular... it's because you're there so concentrated, looking at us... is there something wrong? Got cake stuck in our hair?"

Kara's comment brought laughter, making the atmosphere a little more relaxed.

"It's no big deal, Kara... just seeing one thing."

"And what would it be?"

"You two... you're so, SO beautiful! How is it possible? There cannot be a human being as beautiful as you two. You don't even look like from this planet..."

As she said that, it was like a small jolt to go through Lena's brain. She opened her mouth in surprise, looking from Kara to Vik and back to Kara.

"And you're not..."

"Aren't we what?"

"From Earth. Krypton... isn't that it? The name of your planet?"

Kara smiled and nodded. Lena was starting to remember everything. But if she started to recover all the memories, she would soon remember what happened, the pain, the trauma... Would she suffer from it? Would she be okay? Would she also remember what she'd said when Kara was incapacitated, barely awake on the floor of that cabin? Was Alex right when she said Lena's heart still remembered her? So many questions swirled around her head, Kara might as well feel dizzy with so much on her mind.

Lena fixed her big green eyes on those blue eyes that showed so much unease. Still with a look of surprise, but that soon turned into a look of such admiration and affection Kara just smiled back, waiting for what Lena would say next. And Lena spoke in just a whisper, marveling at those beautiful blue eyes that sparkled before her.


Kara, still smiling, lowered her head. Lena would soon remember that she hadn't been able to prevent herself from being kidnapped by a madman. She would remember Kara's double failure: to protect her and to rescue her.

Vik watched that dynamic between the two of them. She read the tension in Kara's face and understood what she might be feeling. She herself still felt the guilt inside her chest, even seeing the frank evolution of Lena's situation. All the time she thought that if she had done things right, Lena wouldn't be going through this and that wretch would be paying for his actions. Vik, deep down, hoped he was paying for everything. In hell.

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