Chapter Two: A Welcome To Lumenosity

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"Is she alive?"

"No! She's dead! Who could have done this?" I heard children whisper around me, but before I could open my eyes, I heard a brisk tone, "Noah! Chial! Carcan! Zarnai! Gurhan! What do you think you are doing here? I thought that Great Mentor Fairu had ordered you to clean the barnyard!? But what are you doing here? I know I am just 5 levels higher than you Chial!And that's a lot, so you better listen. What do you think you are doing? Speaking to a-" He stopped abruptly, and I knew he had seen me. "Go out and split up doing chores. Carcan, Gurhan, go and help your teachers. Noah, Zarnai, clean the school ground. Chail, go and help Doctor Kondra and his apprentice Liuna!" Hearing their footsteps and their murmurs of protests fading, I peeked my eyes open to find a tan boy around my age with disheveled pastel blue hair leaning over me concerned. He cocked his head and stared at me curiously when he saw me open my eyes. Realizing how rude he was, he greeted me, "Hello! I'm Sinc, who are you? What are you doing here? You don't seem to be someone from around here." I blink at him, remembering what my mom told me, and mumbled, "My name's Neya Raven, and I'm 15. Yeah, I'm from the other world, m-my mother told me to come here to fulfill my destiny." He smiled at me and joked, "Well, is your destiny here? Are you here to help feed the unicorns, alicorns, and the pegasus's or clear their dung? If your not, we should get you out of here!" I rolled my eyes at him, though I was surprised they had unicorns and alicorns and pegasus. When I struggled to get up, Sinc helped me and led me out of the barn. I was surprised at what I saw. There was soft green grass on the ground, and the 'school' they had talked about was a big tree shading multiple yards of grass. There were multiple sticks and trunks stacked up to make a wooden house, which I soon realized was the school classrooms. There were 16 small houses like that, and I cock my head in interest. Soon, my interest faded, and I looked around again. This time, I saw houses, more like stick ones. They didn't have chimneys or anything houses were supposed to have, it looked like there was only one room. "Why are the houses so small? There won't be enough space for the kitchen. And how does electricity come for them? " I ask Sinc in a low whisper. He looks at me and explains, "The Kora's, or in your language, houses, are only for sleeping. We do not have electricity as the Other People do. We use our pets," He smiles at me, and adds, "you speak Halthich very well! Have you learned it before you came?" That surprises me, I had thought I was speaking English, and he could speak it too, but I was mistaken. I was speaking a language called Halthich, and that made my ache dig deeper. I took a deep breath, trying to block out my sadness. Sinc stops at a protected place, and turns around to look at me, and asks in concern, "Are you okay? You don't seem fine." I look at him in sadness, and speak out, "I was forced to leave my mother to come here, my father was already dead when I was born. Now I have no home," I opened my hand so both of us could look at the doll my mom gave me, "she told me to keep this so I would always remember her, even if something ever happened to her." Tears spring to my eyes, and his eyes soften with sympathy. He lays a hand on my shoulder, "We should go to my Kora, you must be worn out." My only reply was a shrug. In the middle of going to his house, a girl with jet purple-black wavy hair up to her waist, and pretty green eyes walked up to us. She stopped and looked at me once before turning to Sinc, "Haie Sinc! Who have you brought today?"

Sinc rolled his eyes at her rude remark and whispered to me, "This girl's name is Liuna, and she would make a great friend if you get her trust." Liuna narrowed her eyes suspiciously, and asked, "Who are you? What could bring you to our small village?"

"Er-Hi Liuna, my name's Neya and I came here because....I needed to, I live in another town far away from here, I just wanted to come here."

She looked a little relieved and smiled at me, "Well Haie! Sorry I was hostile, I guess I should have been a little nicer. By the way, Neya's a pretty name. In our language, Neya means 'purposeful and bright'." I was immediately surprised at how nice she turned, "Thanks!" I replied. Sinc turned to Liuna and told her, "We were going to go to my Kora," in a lower voice, thinking I couldn't hear, he added, "she's been through a the way, get her some spare cloth, can you? " Liuna nodded to him, called out a farewell to both of us, and walked away. I looked at his piercing blue eyes and for once I felt better. I made a new friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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