Chapter 4

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Aila led Raindrop forward through the frosty cold. Tonight was the dreaded Wolf Moon, and everyone was required to go into town to set up for the feast and then stay the night there. They made that rule after Dana was taken, because she had been dragged through the snow in her pajamas for eight miles and was half dead and unconscious by the time she made it to the well.

In Aila's lap was a dozen perfectly baked walnut cakes, wrapped in a towel so that they would still be warm and steamy when they made it into town. Aila tightened her grip on the reins and shifted her legs so that the cakes wouldn't fall off into the snow. She was almost in town. The journey didn't take nearly as long when Aila was riding Raindrop. Already she could see the glowing lights of the first house. She pressed Raindrop on, and eventually she heard the steady clop clop clop of cobblestone under his hooves.

Aila rode to the square, where half the village was already gathered. She slid off of Raindrop, cakes in hand, and led him by the reins to the village stable.

As she was waiting in line, she didn't miss the glares or curious glances in her direction, and the whispers that always followed. What's she doing here? Doesn't she remember what happened last year? That's the cursed girl whose whole family died, isn't it? Goodness, she looks poor. She should've stayed home. It would've been better for everyone.

Aila squared her shoulders and set her jaw, holding her chin up. She was going to try her best to remain like a brick wall, cold and unmoving. Utterly unmoving. She was going to be so unmoved by these villagers, that...that...

"What are you doing here?"

Aila turned to see Elle standing there, hands on her hips. Aila sighed. Every Wolf Moon, Elle made a point to make Aila know that she didn't belong there.

"Well, this is the line for the stable, isn't it?" said Aila, "What do you think?" Elle's face got red, but she didn't back away. Instead, she settled into a position of hatred, with her arms crossed across her tiny, perfect waist.

"You're cursed," Elle replied plainly. Aila tightened her grip on Raindrop's reins. "You'll make us all die, like you made your whole family die."

"I didn't make them die," Aila objected through gritted teeth. Elle paid her no attention, checking her fingernails as she continued.

"Such a shame. I don't mind the Weaver family getting reduced to but one member, but honestly, why you? You're such a pain in the neck. You have no skills. Not like Dana, or Skyla, or Ann or Precious. Or any of your brothers. You're just boring. The least you could've done is left Precious. Everybody loves her. Unlike you."

"Again," said Aila, "I didn't make them die. I didn't have a choice."

"And last year, for example," said Elle, still ignoring Aila, "Kali had one of your excuses for a hand pie. And guess what? She was chosen." Elle's cold, calculating gaze slid off her fingernails and fixed onto Aila's eyes. "No one wants you here, and you know it." Aila fixed Elle with a glare of her own.

"I highly doubt anyone wants you here either, stupid," Aila told her. Elle narrowed her eyes before glancing down at the bundle in Aila's arms.

"What's that?"

"Nothing," Aila snarled, beginning to turn away. But Elle's hand snapped out and snatched the rag off of the top of the plate of cakes. Aila immediately snatched it back and fixed it on the cakes again, but by then she'd already seen what it was, and she started to laugh.

"Oh my gosh," she said, "You're pathetic."

"What, I'm not allowed to bring food to the feast?" Aila asked her.

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