Chapter 1

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{??? p.o.v.}

"Let me out!" I screamed into the darkness.

There was no reply, only the sound of my voice echoing back at me. I screamed again in frustration! It's no use, they won't come back down here. Not until they need me anyway. No doubt for some more expiriments. I know they are watching though, observing me. Him and that disgusting fly.

I paced around my small cell, growling in frustration. I don't know how long I've been in this cage, it could be hours or it could be days. There aren't any windows, so I have no concept of time.

The only time I see outside is when those footbots drag me to the lab, we pass a small window on the way there. I only get a single glance of the free world before I'm taken back to hell.

I stopped my pacing and shook my head. I don't want to think about that place. Leaning back against the cold concrete wall, I sighed. I don't want to think about my horrible life, but that's impossible since I'm stuck in this cage with nothing to distract myself with. I'm tired, weak, hungry, and cold. Why is it so cold?!

I shiver and rub my bare arms up and down. The only clothes I have is a black tank top and jeans that are now almost shorts because of how torn they are. I'm so cold...

I sit down on the ground and bring my knees to my chest, making myself as small as possible. It's never been this cold. Maybe if I...

NO! This is just what they want! They want me to turn into that freak! Oh, but I won't. No matter how cold you make it, I won't turn into that willingly, Shredder!

I looked down at my shaking hands, at the black spots dotting my shivering arms and legs that mark me as to what I am inside. A small smile creeps across my face as I lean my head back against the wall.

You can't make me more of a monster than I already am.

Hello everybody! Thanks again for all the votes and comments in the previous book. I hope that this sequel can live up to and maybe exceed your expectations. I'd like to thank Blue_Gamer for helping me in creating this character and for the title of this book.
Also this cover is only temperary because I still have yet to draw the real cover. Thanks again for all the support you guys have given me and all the love you showed for Sonny. Thank you, and please Comment, Vote, and Share!

The Scarred Angel (sequel to Freak like me)Where stories live. Discover now