fairly odd bride

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Aries was fully going back and forth trying to balance her wedding and her pregnancy. Ja was now toes down with the planning now he no longer had to play by Hayden's wishes because aries was already aware of Cairo existence.

Aries was yet to meet the child or woman but she trusted ja to be around the woman and not get intimate with her. Building off their trust and love things looked bright for their future .

"Ja get aries out that house now. I been waiting in this vehicle for a good hour." Drew the wedding planner stressed through the phone.

"GIRL COME ONNNNN." Santana said pulling aries. Aries did the worst by letting him be the maid of honor because he didn't let up being extra with his role.

"Yall stay rushing me.uhhhh." aries said grabbing her bag and then kissing ja cheek.

Aries bit her cheek because she was trying to not tell Santana about ja's outside child because then Santana will have her rethinking if to get married so quick. The act was an open wound and it was hurting aries but she was putting a bandaid over it hopping it heals.

"Amma swing by the school downtown to get niyah." Aries told drew.

Pulling up to the school aries walked in going to the desk. Then minutes later niyah was walking down the hall. Aries could tell by the looks of the girls face she was still shaken up by the events. The fact that niyah wasn't around her like before killed aries.

"Hey,mamas." Aries said hugging the girl.

The two walked outside.

"Am so sorry about what happened no girl should ever be exposed like that." Aries apologize to niyah.

"It's not your fault. Ja was the dummy in the situation,he could of scolded me in private." Niyah said feeling betrayed by her brother.

"I was trying to get him to do that but his anger." Aries sighed out.

"The same anger that made him have a baby on you because if he didn't blow up and threaten you,he would of been home not in some loft getting seduced by that bitch Hayden." Niyah said.

"You know her?" Aries asked.

"I been stalked her Instagram page. She's the knock off version of you and she got her boobs done so they can be like yours." Niyah said in disgust.

"Oh really." Aries said flattered by the news. Even though ja was cheating he had s3x with a girl that looked like her.

"Yeah but ain't nobody better than the original." Niyah said

"Purr." Aries said. The two laughing and finishing their walk to the vehicle.


"MY DARLINGGGGG." Chris said excitedly as aries stepped into the shop.

"Hello chrissy pooh. How are you?" Aries said hugging chris the two rocking side to side. Santana rolled his eyes already jealous that aries was friends with the man.

"I got your dresssssssss. Are you ready?" Chris asked his excitement bubbling over.

"Yes am so ready." Aries said grinning ear ear to ear.

They followed chris to a huge whit door. The door slid open and aries jaw dropped, she was in love with the dress. It was everything she asked for.

 It was everything she asked for

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"Am in looooove." Aries squealed.

"This is the only option?" Santana asked not impressed by the dress.

"Huh?" Chris asked.

"Am just saying like you aint made two so if this one didn't come out good." Santana said throwing shade.

"He ain't gotta make two because I love this." Aries said still in awe by the dress.

"Am jus saying I won't get married in that." Santana said shrugging.

"Well it isn't you that's getting married. So keep your opinion to yourself." Aries clapped back at him growing irritated by his unclassy comments towards her dream dress.

"Bitch you asked me to be here." Santana cursed at aries.

"Yeah to help not critique my shit." Aries told him off.

"Chris. The bride loves it so lets get to the other dress for the party." Drew said stepping in to prevent more drama between her client and brother.

"yes yes. This room." Chris said moving to another room. Opening the door.

"I made multiple for this one incase others don't agree." Chris said throwing in a slick shade back at Santana who sighed out heavily biting his tongue.

"This one for you." Chris pointed to the skimpy diamond studded dress.

" You make prom dresses?" Niyah asked chris,who nodded

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" You make prom dresses?" Niyah asked chris,who nodded.

"I remember you said your fiance loves Diamonds so you know I had to razzle dazzle to suit him." Chris said as aries blushed.

"In lovveee.with everything. " Aries squealed hugging chris.


After that part of the day. They went to get lunch, niyah and aries sitting at a table while Santana and drew were at another.

"Hol up let me show you miss.hayden" niyah told aries pulling out her phone.

hayden" niyah told aries pulling out her phone

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" she's pretty. Have some innocent eyes to." Aries said

"Ummm. Why you complimenting her,this yo competition keep yo head in the game." Niyah said correcting aries genuine vibe towards the girl.

"Girl, I am not one to be like that. I only went off on kk because she was looking down on me. Judging me.' Aries shrugged.

"Ok sister wives." Niyah said causing aries to laugh.

"At least. Am the wife. " aries joked.

"How your bump ain't showing?" Niyah asked aries.

"Honestly I don't know. They probably understand the assignment." Aries said rubbing her stomach.

"They?" Niyah asked

"Ja didn't tell yall? Its twins."

"I pray it girls. So I can have my own destiny child." Niyah clapped happily.

Aries and niyah continued joking around. Catching up on the babies and all they missed out on.

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