Chapter 8: A Gift For You

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Abony's POV

"Would you buy me a drawing kit?" I arched my eyebrows.

"Sorry, it's not available." The cashier shook her head.


"Does my drawing kit available?"

"Sorry, it doesn't."

"Does my..."


15h September.

The noon, I sat on the chair and looked at the hot sunshine after eating lunch. Until now, I did not know how simple goods like a drawing kit were hard to find. It was not logical. Trying repeatedly, I get in the store to ask the cashier like a fool. Of course, it did not work. But the magic dropped on my face for the first time in my life when the ringing doorbell rang.

"I'm coming," I raised my voice.

"Excuse me, is there Moroe's house? Would you mind letting me see Miss Abony Monroe?" the guy in the shipper clothes said.

"It's me. I'm Abony. What's the matter, sir?" I asked.

"You have a package." The shipper smiled.

"For me? Are you sure? I had never heard about that before. Maybe it's a mistake. Please check it out again." I stepped back.

"One hundred percent exact this house. Look! On the package, it wrote your name," the shipper said with a high-toned.

"Where is this package sent from?" I rolled my eyes at my name with confusion.

"Someone loves you who sent you this. I have no time. Reaching in here to stop, goodbye, miss." The shipper put the package on the floor and went away in a flash.

"Hey!" Impotent, I said.

Throng the doubt package in the corner of my house. I prepared to go to the restaurant where I had a part-time job. The magic part was when I went home from work. Unavoided my curiosity, I decided to open the package, thinking to myself just saw a little. The mystery light spread out from the paper box.

"It's..." I put my hand to my mouth to keep me saying nothing.

That was a new version of drawing kits!

I never saw it outside. The only time I saw it was in an advertisement on TV. I cried out in happiness. Nobody could understand why my tears fell. Jumping and dancing around the living room, I must hide them before my father realized they existed in his house.

Wait! Thinking carefully, the shipper said this was a gift from the one who loved me.

Who did love me?

Just could my mother.

Wow, this was amazing! Thank God, thank Mom.

I would use this carefully and always remember you, mom.

Abandoned me in here to follow your selfish dream. Mom, I thought you would be okay. Today, I received this gift, but unmeant I forgave your act. When you left, I could not count how much I missed you. Even I could not remember your face clearly. I always wanted to draw your face on my pictures, but it failed. Now, we did not have any connection or relationship.

You and I became a stranger!

George's POV.

15th September.

I passed by a small store, buying some eggs. Seeing Abony jogged like a rocket into the store. I did not negate that I took my eyes on her or was excited when I met her. That thing happened when I looked at her soft lips and desired to give a kiss on them. That sounded crazy, but it did. Abony became a sexy woman in my eyes, with her sweet lips and cute face. Damn! It did not true. I just looked at her as my younger sister.

"3$ in total," the cashier said.

"Sorry if I bother you, miss. But I want to ask about that girl." I rolled my eyes at a little girl getting out the door. "What did she talk about with you?"

The cashier was hesitant and kept silent in front of my question.

"Don't worry, miss. I'm her brother. I want to care about her." I explained.

"Well, she often gets here and asks about a drawing kit. Unfortunately, it's out of stock for a long time," the cashier said with a monotone.

"Alright. Thank you!" I said and got out of the store.

Uh-huh, that was the reason she looked sadly on the swing. Chuckling, I could not keep my mouth.

"She's a real low-tech girl." Putting my phone up, I said.

My finger glided on the screen. Not full two minutes, I bought a drawing kit online. That was easy for me, but for Abony, It's impossible. She had no phone in the technology era. Her father was an arbitrary person. He would rage if knowing I bought this gift for Abony. The matter that he hated every time I approached his daughter. Why did I know? Because he always looked at me with sharp eyes and a spicy voice.

Stalking around her house, I must ensure that her father was absent. Waiting for a ripe opportunity, I told the shipper to get my gift for Abony. I watched the shipper put the package in front of her house, although her brows furrowed and she looked like want to object.

Well done!

Night, I went home from the restaurant. After cooking for my mother, I spend my time relaxing. Pouring a little Vodka into my favorite glass, I nibbled it and enjoyed the melody of "Born To Die"; Lana Del Rey was the best singer ever. Looking outside through the window, I saw Abony jump up with her loveable face. She danced around her living room and laughed out loud. Unexpectedly, I smiled and followed her excitement.

She was so cute~!

Her happy face made my heart jump out of my chest.

16th September.

Abony's POV

After school, I got home in a gorgeous mood. Dropped by a second-hand store, I used my saved money to buy an old easel.

"Could you bring this alone?" The owner bloomed his kind smile.

"I think... No problem." Scratching on my hair, I said.

Looking into the poster on the wall, this was information about a painting competition.

"Wow, great," I exclaimed when I looked at the prize.

One million dollars for the winner!

"You want to join it, right?" The owner looked at my bright eyes. He took the poster down and gave it to me.

"Yes, I do. I'm an artist. But how can I join it?" I said as my eyes glued to the poster.

"On your phone, just send the email," he said and turned away to serve another customer.

Carrying an easel that a big challenge for me, but I had no choice. I could not think of someone who could help me. Damn! I was just a lonely pig. Trying hard to pick the easel up, I brought it to somewhere I could hide. Sweats poured from my face under the hot sunshine while I moved at the turtle speed and heavy like an elephant walking.

Suddenly, the easel lighter in an unnormal way.

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