Prologue Part Two

978 22 3

(Y/N) jolted awake, ripped from a restless sleep by the insistent beeping of his Ultimatrix alarm. Five-thirty AM. The pre-dawn light filtering through the curtains cast an ethereal glow across his room, painting everything in soft shades of blue and gray. Perfect running weather.

He threw off the covers in a single, fluid motion, his body already buzzing with anticipation. Muscles stretched and popped with a satisfying crackle as he went through his morning routine. A sheen of sweat already glistened on his skin – his body craved the familiar burn of exertion.

He pulled on a worn gray hoodie and his trusty headphones, their well-loved condition a testament to countless miles logged. With practiced ease, he selected a track from his playlist – the electrifying opening riff of "A.G.O.T.I. [VS A.G.O.T.I. MOD] - Metal Guitar Cover | LongestSoloEver" jolted him awake fully. The song's heavy metal beat and soaring guitar riffs were the perfect pump-up for what was to come.

He slipped out the back door, the cool Parisian air a welcome contrast to the warmth generated by his pre-run jitters. The city was still shrouded in a pre-dawn slumber. The only sounds were the distant rumble of an occasional car and the soft chirping of birds stirring in the nearby park. (Y/N) loved this quiet time, a brief respite before the city roared to life.

He launched into a familiar route, his feet pounding a steady rhythm against the pavement. The cityscape blurred into a kaleidoscope of colors as he pushed his pace, each inhaling a rush of crisp air, each exhaling a guttural release of tension. By the end of his second lap, sweat dripped freely from his brow, soaking his shirt and leaving a damp patch where he gripped the headphones. Yet, there was a deep satisfaction in the ache that settled in his legs, a testament to the effort he poured into his training.

As he ran, (Y/N) allowed himself to soak in the sights and sounds of the awakening city. The aroma of fresh bread wafted from a nearby bakery, a promise of a delicious breakfast to come. Street Lights flickered off one by one, surrendering the night to the encroaching dawn. A lone jogger passed him with a friendly nod, a silent acknowledgment of their shared dedication.

Finally, after twenty invigorating minutes, (Y/N) returned home, his lungs burning pleasantly and his muscles pleasantly sore. He felt energized, his mind clear and focused. A quick shower washed away the sweat, leaving him feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day.

Downstairs, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the enticing scent of pancakes. His sisters were already at the kitchen table, spoons clinking against cereal bowls.

"Morning, guys," he greeted with a smile, pulling out a chair.

"Morning, Big Bro," chirped Ella, her mouth half-full of cereal.

Lea glanced up from her bowl, her eyes twinkling.

"Gone for a run already?"

(Y/N) nodded.

"Just wanted to get a good workout before school."

"That's a good idea," Grandpa Max chimed in, entering the kitchen with a plate piled high with fluffy pancakes. "It's important to start the day off right."

"What's for breakfast?" (Y/N) asked, eyeing the golden stack of pancakes with undisguised hunger.

Grandpa chuckled.

"Didn't have a chance to go shopping yesterday," he admitted, scratching the back of his head. "So, we're making do with what we have this morning."

(Y/N) grinned.

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