I hate you- Rafe Cameron

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You are best friends with Sarah and you went over to her house.
Aka: best friends brother
Y/n's pov
I was in my room trying to find a dress for Sarah's party tonight. "Uhhh I have nothing" I say going through every single piece of clothing in my closet.

"Y/n... relax okay? Pack your pjs for the night and we can go to my house and I will give you my red dress" she said while laying on my bed texting. "Okay let me grab my pjs and we will go" I say grabbing my pink pjs.

"Uh I don't have a car cause rafe drove me here so I have to call him to pick us up" she said while calling her brother. And I just rolled my eyes.

Here is the story. Rafe is an ass hole.
Don't get me wrong he likes me but I think he is a total dick. Since we were younger I remember he took my ice cream or when me and Sarah were playing with our dolls he used to take my dolls and shave their heads.

But now that we are older he is still a jerk, like when I stay over I once went to their bathroom after sleeping over and on my way there I caught 3 girls leaving his room! One of them didn't have a shirt on!

Anyway back to reality.

"Hey rafe me and y/n need a ride could you take us home?" Sarah spoke on her phone and I just sat on my phone waiting for the conversation to finish.

Sarah hang up. "He is down stairs apparently he was at the country club and he was just leaving" Sarah said getting up.

We went downstairs and saw my parents watching tv. "Bye mom bye dad I am going to Sarah's for a sleepover"I say while putting on my shoes.

"Hi mister Antony hi miss Emily" Sarah greets my parents.

"Oh hi dear how are you?" My dad stands up to hug Sarah followed by my mom who does the same.

"So you girls are having a sleepover?" My mom asks. "Yes we are actually hosting a party and then I asked y/n to stay the night" Sarah answered my moms question.

"Are you gonna walk to Sarah's house darling?" My father asked me. "No rafe is outside he was at the country club and I called him to pick us up" Sarah told my dad.

*beeb beeb* rafe honked from outside

"Oh you girls better go before Rafe loses his patience" my dad jokes and I just rolled my eyes.

"Anyways bye guys see you tomorrow" I say walking out of the door.

"Goodbye have fun and say hi to ward from me" my dad said.

My dad and ward were best friends from school. Before I was born my dad was so close with ward he actually saw rafe as a son. But then I was born the same time as Sarah so he had me as a daughter. Our families were always close.

Anyways we went outside and rafe was in his car smoking of course while waiting for us. "Hey dick head" Sarah said while getting in the back seat. "Hey Sarah nice to see you too" he spoke. "And hi y/n" he spoke to me obviously annoyed that I didn't say hi. "Yea whatever rafe" I spoke while opening the other side of the car door to the back seat.

"What is this?" I ask when I see that he has 2 big trash bags and that there is no space for me to sit in the back. "Oh yea it's the cups for the party tonight" rafe spoke. "You have to sit in the front don't worry I won't bite you" he says  while smirking.

I just rolled my eyes at his comment and climbed to the front seat. He started the car and started driving. "So y/n Sarah told me that you have nothing to wear hope you found something" he told me obviously trying to pick up a fight or annoy me I don't know. I just looked out the window.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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