Chapter 5: The Psycho with a gun

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(Location: Lastation Basilcom)

Blanc: so, you met with some person who gave you a warning to stop destroying dopants.

Iron: yes...and he had a Gaia memory as well...the skull memory...

Noire: Who does that guy think he is?!

Iron: I'm gonna go and clear my head.

(Iron leaves the Basilcom)

(Later... Lastation park)

Iron: ahhh....this is relaxin-

(A bullet nearly hits Iron!)

Iron: what the f-

???: Excuse me, are you Iron Hikari?

Iron: yes, and you are?

???: I am K-sha, a member of the Gold Third

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???: I am K-sha, a member of the Gold Third. Now, prepare to DIE.

(K-sha is a member of the Gold Third with an obsession for Noire and is a yandere.)

Iron: crap!

(K-sha takes out her gun and fires at Iron who dodges each bullet like he's gifted with some code)

K-sha: stop. dodging. and. just. die!!

(Iron kicks K-sha's gun away)

Iron: sorry, psycho.
I don't plan on dying today.

(Iron escapes on his bike)

Iron: Adieu!~

(K-sha would be alone at the park)

K-sha: Damn You,Iron!!!!
(Onore no Iron!!!!)


Iron: well Noire, I came across your "friend" with an obsession...

Noire: (phone) you met K-sha and survived?!

Iron: yeah, barely...

(There would be screams in the streets)

Iron: I gotta go.

(Iron hangs up and puts on the double driver and heads to the location of the scream,the same girl that attacked Iron was on the ground in front of a metallic humanoid!)

(Iron hangs up and puts on the double driver and heads to the location of the scream,the same girl that attacked Iron was on the ground in front of a metallic humanoid!)

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