Caught by Surprise

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It's been a week since Raven's melt down, her mother came from her trip early and they've been spending time together since, kinda cute when you say the least. I just like my parents would do that but like always they are busy. It's currently Raven's earth day and Autumn, Riley and Mrs. Black asked me to tag along to pick up gifts they got for her.

“Geez....Rav better be grateful for this surprise" Autumn said, loading presents in the car.  “I'm sure she would" I responded, placing more in the trunk. “Alright, you guys can head to the house and help the others set up the surprise" her mother sighed. "I'll get the last gift myself. I'll meet you guys there in time for it to start.” 

“Alright Mrs.B" Riley nodded and got inside the car Autumn and I followed. “Hey grace text Raven and ask where's she at right now.” She asked me and I complied.

You: hey Rav,where are you right now

Raven: out by the creek side why?

You: no reason when will you be back

Raven: an hour or so

"She's at the river bank of the creek, she'll be there for at least an hour." I relayed back to them. “Good that gives us time to finish setting up," she said as the car pulled into the driveway. Maybe when she comes we can talk...she's been avoiding me all day. I don't know if I said something to offend her or actually did something. I just hope we can talk soon.


" You can't avoid her forever Raven" Willow growled at me. "Watch me," I said. "We were hoping that she would be our mate, but now that she is you avoid her what sense does that make?" Willow responded, they do have a point, why am I distancing myself from her. I have no answer for myself. “It's just so much I have to explain. Then there's mom, father, and the pack." Willow understood where I was coming from. 'Come on kid you need to start heading back home.' They said before going silent.

The walk from the creek through the forest was quiet and peaceful. It was too quiet....


A loud crack ran through my ears followed by my hitched breath. I dropped to the ground as my head began throbbing in pain. Staggering on my feet a familiar voice came through my ringing ears. “Well, well, well.” Turning around I made out his face. "Blake" I growled out, he was just standing there with a sickening smirk cupping a melt bat in his hand, a smug of fresh blood dripping off the tip. “It's been a while Raven” as much as I was pissed Willow was enraged. “Why are you here Jackson?" the adrenaline in me started to kick in. I could feel the blood flowing down my neck. 

"Like I warned you before Black watch your back, I'm just getting some petty revenge" he said as two others approached either side of him. " This'll teach you a little lesson"." FUCK THIS SHIT I'M TEARING THESE FUCKERS APART!" Willow snarled before taking over.


It's well over an hour where is she? Checking back at my messages she hasn't answered me back yet." Grace, have you heard from Raven yet?" A member of the party asked. "No..I'm going to get her.." I said pulling on my shoes heading out the back door. I followed the trail that leads to the creek through the forest. Walking down the path I felt a sudden flash of pain and dread through me, a sweet smell of oranges, peaches, and chocolate quickly intruded my nostrils. But then there was a strong scent of blood and three unknown, 'mate, mate, mate is in trouble.' Ashen howled in my head for the first time in months. This time with rage.

Sprinting down the trail the scent was getting stronger so was Ashen and I's anger. The scene was mortifying , "Raven" I uttered under my breath, She was backed up against a tree blooded and battered. A figure approaching her ready to gut her throat. Quickly I pulled off the hoodie she gave me and shifted. I didn't care if my clothes were ripped.

"Any last words Black?" The figure said which she started to chuckle. 

"You're a coward. You're a coward for not taking me on alone, also, you should start running." She uttered with a sly smirk. “She sees us Ashen”, “Good” she growled pacing towards the dude who hurt our mate. Looking around there are two corpses."Mate did a number on them" Ashen commented. Agreed she was ambushed but she held her own until now. "What the hell!?" he sputtered, turning around seeing me the color drained from his face. Ashen growled and lunged at him, he yelped falling back. Quickly getting up he ran off, not turning back. "Grace" her voice faintly called to me. It was weak, I shifted back rushing to her aid.

"Raven! oh my god!" There was so much blood. And most of it was hers..all of it was her scent. “I, it's not that bad love.” She's smiling like nothing happened. "Where's your phone?" Stupid question to ask I know but I was in over my head. " I don't know." I spotted mine a few feet away, I quickly grabbed it and called Autumn. “Come on, come on, pick up." Thankfully she did answer. " Hey Grace, did you find her?”  “Autumn..get here now, and I mean right now bring some towels and help." I said frantically. "Why what happened?", " Just get here!!" I shouted while hanging up the phone, I noticed most of the blood was coming from her head. "What did they hit you with?" Examining her wound carefully not to cause more damage, her eyes were getting foggy. "Raven talk to me." I commanded. I don't want to lose her already. Not like this when I just found you. “'re a hybrid..?" she whispered curiously. "Yeah, what else hurts.."

"Everything hurts, " she whimpered, leaning into me. I didn't know what to do. My partner is hurt and I don't know what to do to comfort her. Maybe I could reassure her but. ' do it..' Ashen silently hinted. I'm not sure if I should do that. ' Anything for mate.' Ashen whispered again. I made up my mind at the sight of her condition. I can't wait to question the consequences to this. I held her cheek gently, wanting her attention. “Raven look at me” she does as I ask.

I bite my forearm drawing blood pushing it to her lips. "Drink it'll ease the pain a bit" she looked up hesitantly and I nodded reassuringly. She drank relaxing a little after, her heart beats were steady and she was breathing normally. But her wounds were still bleeding. Just in time some of her pack members arrived. “Oh my goddess.”  Autumn gasped,"Raven! Oh my goddess honey.." Mrs.Black came running to her side cradling her head. “Careful her head is the worst injury." I warned her as she looked up at me, tears brewing in her eyes. "What happened?" Raven looked up to her mother, answering her question. Blake Jackson was the last she said before losing consciousness. "Raven, Raven! Raven! wake up!”

"We're taking her to the hospital." She said to the others. "Yes Luna!" Members said as they towed her away. "I'm coming with you." I said to Mrs.Black. "Sweetie you can’t". “You're not going to separate me from her. " I growled, making her reconsider. “Autumn grab her and Raven a change of clothes." " Yes, Luna," she nodded. " Come on." Her mother dragged me to the house.


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