The Ice Lake DH Part 1 Harry/Hermione Oneshot

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The Lake DH P1

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Harry saw a glowing, white light about a hundred feet in front of him. It got brighter and brighter. Soon, it formed into what looked like a silver doe. A Patronus. But whose was it? It looked at him and turned, walking away. Wanting him to follow it. He turned to look at the tent. Should he tell Hermione he was going? No, she'll just stop him. 'I'll be right back, Hermione' he thought to her even when he knew she wouldn't reply. He faced the doe and followed it through the forest. Why was he doing this? Why was he risking death? 'Sometimes, I just have to trust myself' he thought to himself answering these questions. His gut feeling told him to trust this silver doe. Therefore, he would trust himself.

The doe led him deeper and deeper into the forest. After five minutes, he wondered if Hermione had noticed he was gone yet. Then, the silver doe led him to a clearing with a frozen lake. Why would it be leading him here? The doe went to the middle of the lake and hovered over it. Then it disappeared into the frozen lake. "Lumos," he whispered and his wand lit up. He cautiously stepped onto the frozen ice. It didn't crack under his weight, but he heard the crunching of the snow under his shoe. He walked slowly across the frozen lake to where the silver doe disappeared into. He bent down and moved some snow from the ice. That's when he saw it. The reason why this Patronus led him here. Gryffindor's sword lay there. Glinting at him. At the bottom of the lake.

He nodded to himself. He had to do this. He had to get the sword. It was the one thing he needed to destroy the locket and all of the other Horcruxes. He walked over to a large log and started to strip his clothes from his body. His sweater. His shirt. His jeans. His shoes. His socks. Even his glasses. He didn't want them to fall off. He kept on his boxer briefs. His only form of warmth at that moment. He walked back over to the middle of the lake. The cold nipped at his feet and face. He began to shake, but he knew it would be worth it. "Diffindo!" he said waving his wand over the spot. The ice disappeared, but only enough to make a hole for him to fit in. He inhaled deeply, gathering in a large gulp of air and then lowered himself into the water.

The freezing water hit him likea ton of bricks and he wanted to cry out, but he couldn't open his mouth. Instead, he focused on Gryffindor's sword. He looked down and there it was. Still glinting. Taunting him. He moved his arms and legs, swimming over to it. He got closer and closer. But then, when he was reaching out to get it, the locket sensed it. It sensed that there was something around it that could destroy it. It began to act mad. It began to choke him. Harry moved his arms frantically up to the surface. But the ice had frozen over the hole he had made. His heart jumped. He was trapped. This was it. This was how he was to die.

Hermione flinched awake. Her eyes snapping open. Her heart jumped. Something was wrong. She sat up in her cot and looked at her watch. Two minutes until three in the morning. She was supposed to take the next watch almost three hours ago. 'Harry probably fell asleep' she thought and silently chastised herself for falling asleep as well. She put her boots on and grabbed her grey coat, slipping her arms through the sleeves. She grabbed her wand and walked out of the tent.

Only to find her best friend nowhere in sight. "Harry?" she called out quietly thinking he may have had to go relieve himself. She stepped out a few more feet from the tent. "Harry?" He wouldn't go far. She knew that. She knew he wouldn't go out of the safe territory. Outside of the wards she had pulled up. She looked down at the ground and saw them. His footprints. She smiled a bit, knowing she had a trace of him.

So Hermione followed his "bread crumbs". Through the forest to a small clearing with a frozen lake. However, there was one part in the middle of the lake that was a little bit clear. Someone had been here just recently and moved the snow. She looked to her right and on a log, she noticed familiar clothes. She walked over to them and touched the grey sweater. She gasped and whipped her head to the hole in the middle of the lake.

The Ice Lake DH Part 1 Harry/Hermione OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now