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Authors Note and Glossary

Hi jellyfishes, I hope your all having a great day. Well I'll be updating this book about once a week. The characters you'll see in the book are based off of ancient Babylonian/Sumerian gods and goddess. Some of the names or words used will also be Sumerian or Latin.

I also thought It'd be a good idea to add a glossary since Babylonian gods aren't as popular as greek gods so it'll give you some background. :)
Ps. The picture is of Marcus.
Pss. I'd like to thank Nathylovebunny for the awesome book cover she made <3

Ereshkigal: Underworld Goddess of Death, Darkness and Dust "First lady of the underworld."
Asakku: Evil spirit/ monster who are tormentors of mind and body, asakku revel in performing foul and despicable acts, driving men insane with their malice.
Terere: Latin word for throw back or one who has been thrown.

Leaning my body up against the tree, I felt the wind wrap around me nipping at my exposed skin, sending goose bumps down my entire body.

Shaking slightly as I kept mulling over his words in my head "husband husband husband?" Deciding to run into the park had been a bad idea on my part as it was a couple miles away from home and the sun was setting. Mentally and physically exhausted I couldn't even begin to imagine the walk back home.

As I walked down the path I came, I began to feel as if I was not alone my heart began to race, now nearing the clearing up a head I sighed a little in relief knowing I was almost out and safe. Then I felt it a pair of eyes watching me from a distance far off in the trees a pair of purple orbs stared now turning around in a panic I ran back into the park from where I had just come from I knew I had to fight it and kill it or it'll escape and tell others. Know having a plan in mind I figuring that I was already far enough into the park that no one would accidentally walk by or get in the way, slowly I came to a halt as I relax and calmed my self I knew that the lesser would take the chance to attack while I had my back turned then I'd take the opportunity to catch it off guard. "Terere allow me to eat you so I may become strong." It's voice sounded so oily and slick causing me to feel instantly disgusted. Sighing it seemed that this one liked to talk which made my plan alit more difficult I'd have to tempt it into an attack "Leave and you shall live or stay to die demon." Wasting no time to attack it leapt forward only to be sliced in half there he stood hold in his hand what seemed to be a mace of some sort with a two headed lion that seemed to biting through the sun as a dark fire danced around it. "I'm gone for a second and some Asakku thinks it has the right to approach you" scoffing to him self there he was and I wasn't about to let him go again with out a fight.

The strange mace he had been holding began to shrink into a small ball with the same lion standing on top. Casually he slipped the small silver ball into his black jacket pocket as if he had done this many times before.

That was when I took the chance to really look at him, he was a tall dark and handsome, hair of a deep rich chocolate color which complemented the 5 o'clock shadow he was sporting. His eyes with theirs striking blue and green color ,high check bones with a nice square jaw were perfectly sculpted. After taking notice that I was studying him it seemed as if my wandering eyes arroused the suspicion of danger in him as his body tensed under his dark blue t-shirt showing off that he was well built. "Do you like what you see?" Ignoring his question I began my assault in order to find out the truth.

"Who are you, what are you, what are we, why did you only just now find me?" My questions only seemed to spew out one after another as I had now become desperate for some sort of answer all I got in return was him chuckling at me. At this I felt my eyebrow twitch in anger how dare he mock me! "I demand answers demon!" This only seemed only to arouse laughter from him "My sweet Ereshkiga I am no filthy Asakku, oh no I am something way more terrifying, I was once one of the most feared gods of time and you well you were my queen, but what has become of you?" His last comment seemed to be more directed to himself. But none the less I detected the venom and resentment it held.

"Who are you?" Disbelief clearly in my voice that his man was a god "You may call me Marcus." Was the curt reply I revived scoffing at his response "And why would a god have such an average name?" It was now my turn to be snarky.

Now standing a couple feet away from me stood the answers I'd wanted my whole life, but did I want them? As Marcus moved closer my brown eyes met his two toned ones and again like when we first meet I felt the electricity between us. "How can someone who killed her father be a holy god." My voice quivered as the words left my lips taking notice of my pain his eyes flashed with amusement as if he found my confession funny "We should leave, it's now dark and more asakku will be coming" again ignoring him I continued my tiered "No answer me! What and who am I?"

"Later, for now we should leave" his voice now stern no longer filled with amusement from before but I wasn't backing down "in no way am I leaving with you, last time I checked you choked me and just about crushed my windpipe so don't blame me if I don't want to go with you" now I was livid I could feel my anger rising by the minute. After all that happened he had declared him self my husband answered my questions vaguely and took pleasure in my pain now he had the gall to boss me around.

"Don't anger me Ereshkiga let us leave and I'll explain it all, your being childish" this time I wasn't able to protest more because next thing I knew I was being thrown over his shoulder and carried away and out of the small deserted park.

"Put me down asshole, I can walk" as I slammed my fits repeatedly into his back trying to break free of his iron grasp. "It seems you can't because every time I requested for us to leave because it's become dark you simply ignored it" huffing in annoyance I simply allowed my self to be carried " you have a nice ass by the way" smirking to my self thinking this would have gotten me away from him I was only met with a snarky and arrogant reply "Its not as nice as your" and then I was greeted with an all so unpleasant smack on my rump. "Ugh! why are you so difficult in no way can be married to you!"

"Trust me I wasn't very found of you when we first met." There was now a softer expression as he said this. "For starters where are we going?" Silently in my mind I kept wondering if he was lying. "Home princess" with this I begin squirming again while still stuck in his grip. His warm heart felt laughter filled the silence between us "calm down I'm not going to kill you." It was now my turn to roll my eyes "so where's home?" the words tasting so foreign on my tongue.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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