random poetry from vicky and friends

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I Am From

I am from chocolate, from Hersey and Caramilk.

I am from fields all around.

I am from Grapevine, and the sweet taste of its juices

I am from the apple picking, the supportive family, from Julie and Grandma the Laplante/McLeod/Chambers family.

I am from the caring and endearing.

From be careful and don’t lie.

I am from Pentecostal that believes in in Mother Mary, God and Jesus.

I'm from Canada and Europe, beavertails and haggis.

From the walking to school with my sister every day, and the hugs with grandma.

I am from the memories I have. The family that loves me and the good/bad times that I learned life lessons.

We Collide

I Am A Kite,

Flying Higher,

Then The Clouds,

Are In The Sky,

The Trees Are,

Crying Out For

The Rain To Fall,

Gently Against,

Their Every Hole,

And Every Curve,

As It Passes It,

Quenches Thirst,

Softens The Ground,

On Which We Lay,

Softly Kissing,

And Then I Wake

And See That I Am,

Hopelessly In Love.

Name Traits

















Things we play

Some play piano,

Some the French horn,

People are played,

But not the same way,

When children play games,

Friendships are born

Rhyme Time

Every minute,

Every day,

The world changes

In every way

The people growing

Never knowing

Where they’ll end


A cat is loudly purring

As the branches gently rub its back

A wind stops blowing slowly

apple crisp

Hello there , I’m apple crisp & I love children & I would like to tell you all a story about my childhood ..

One day when I was just a little piece of crisp I met my bffl , APPL E<3 I loved apple like a sister , but one day , SHE KISSED ME OMFG KDUHYFGOISUDF !, I like died … but then when I kissed her back , the WIRDEST thing happened .. we became one .. & from then on we have been called , apple CRISP<3333 & I will love her forever , all of my sisters and brothers found apples for themselves & they ALLLLL became apple crisp too !!! OMG PERFECT RIGHT ! , .. NO WRONG & F YOU FOR THNIKING THAT IT WAS PERFECT. Cause guess what , at the end of this amazing story , WE ALL GET EATIN LIKE WTF . Since I’m gunna have a tiny little itsy bitsy life I told some freak to tell my story to everyone , & that is how I became , apple..waitforit…. CRISP !

I hate children.

-AppleCrisp xoxo<3

written by Taya Delaney

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2013 ⏰

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