𝙱𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚎

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As GingerBrave walks home from the stormy night, he struggles to keep a grip onto his umbrella. The wind was harsh and there were no clear signs of it ever calming down.

As the rain poured onto the ground, he heard a meow. A desperate one at that. Despite being in what seemed like the middle of the storm he decides to run towards where the sound was coming from and tried to find it, and find it he did. Below him was a small and white cat, trying too hard to cover itself from the stormy rain as the raindrops dropped onto it harshly. It was shaking tremendously as the wind was cold and the harsh rain was hurting the poor thing.

Looking down upon the small creature, he felt pity. Why does something so small have to go through this? He thought to himself.

Feeling shame for not doing anything earlier, he puts his own umbrella above the kitten as it looks up at the boy with eyes that looked as if they were about to cry.

''..Do you wanna go with me?''

GingerBrave said to the little kitty as he crouched down and placed his hand out for it to slowly but surely crawl towards him. It was pitiful to see as it whimpered in pain, it's entire body sore and probably felt alone..

Once reaching the hand, it layed one of it's paws on it as it turned it's head in confusion. It wondered why he was helping a random stray cat in the middle of the storm when he could've just helped himself get out of the predicament. But despite all of it's confusion, it was happy and glad that he wasn't there to hurt it.

''Why's a stray cat like you doing out here alone by yourself? Come on, let's get you somewhere nice to stay in!''

GingerBrave says as he slowly picked up the cat off the ground and carried it while still holding the umbrella to protect the both of them.

The cat, was surprised by the sudden pick up as it laid down onto his arm. But it didn't mind much of it as it looked up to see GingerBrave's face. It wondered why he was so familiar as if they've met before..

Whilst walking, GingerBrave looked down on the cat he was holding..How hasn't he noticed those beautiful cyan eyes it had? It felt all too familiar to a friend..He didn't know which one though.

As they walked through the several houses, the storm slowly started to die down. Leaving only slightly heavy rain that anyone could easily go through with just an umbrella, this was great news, especially for them as they were both soaking wet and was trying to get home as fast as they could since both of them couldn't afford getting a cold.

''It's okay..I'll get you home safely and i'll make sure you'll feel safe in it, okay?''

GingerBrave smiled at the cat as he ran towards the front door of his house and rings the bell, trying to get his sister's attention.


A muffled, young voice said as GingerBright, GingerBrave's sister opened the door slightly to see who was ringing.

''Ah GingerBrave! Where have you be-''

GingerBright was suddenly cut short to GingerBrave, soaking wet with a white cat holding onto him


GingerBrave shoved Bright away as he quickly reached out to a towel to dry the cat off.

''Oh phew...''

''Brave! What's going on!''

She shouted as she walked behind GingerBrave and looked out from his shoulder..A cat? She had wondered why GingerBrave brought it here, but she had to take a guess that it was stuck in the rain which made her feel horrible.

''Ah Bright! So so sorry for shoving you..I needed to dry this cat off..''

''Ah..No need, you were helping it out after all. BUT..''

GingerBright then grabbed onto another towel to dry GingerBrave off, making sure the boy wouldn't get a cold from being wet.

''You should really dry yourself off first.''

GingerBrave chuckled in embarrassment as he looked at his sister, drying him off with a clean white towel

''I guess, thanks for quickly answering the door, it was REALLY cold outside!''

''Yep! Don't worry about it! Just, make sure to change clothes before going to bed, i don't wanna deal with cleaning up your stuff anyways..''

Bright said as she removes the towel off of GingerBrave and leaves to go to her room, leaving the boy and the stray cat behind.

GingerBrave smiled at his sister's kind act. Sure she can be strict with him at times being that she's the older twin out of both of them, she was still kind towards others. But going back, he continued to help dry off the cat as it leaves a dark and muddy stain on the towel that was once purely white..It was going to be hard to clean.

After a few minutes or so, he then takes off the towel off the cat as it shook away all the access water it still had.

''Are you glad now?''

GingerBrave smiled at the little creature as it stared at him with it's cyan eyes as it rubbed it's head against him

''Woah- Hey! Haha!''

He giggled as he pet cat with purring noises accompanying it.

GingerBright, being the sneaky and curious gal she is, stared at the two playing with eachother, it was a really cute scene as she quietly gasped as to not disturb the two.

She giggled, slowly closing the door.

Back to the two, GingerBrave then carried his new cat into his room as he wanted to quickly change clothing..It was cold and absolutely uncomfortable to wear so might as well quickly change it.

As Gingerbrave was now changing clothes into more comfortable ones, he made sure to dry out the soaking wet sweater he wore back in the rain, and finally laying down on his soft, warm bed..He didn't even wanna get out! He was so tired that he might accidentally fall asleep right then and there. But he made sure to quickly close the lights off his room and cover himself in a nice blanket..

It was heaven to him, the soft cotton bed with a soft, comfortable pillow made it even more heavenly as he quickly fell asleep, succumbing to his tiredness.

As the cat watched him from afar, it quickly jumped onto his bed to lay down next to him..

''Might as well enjoy what i have..''

It thought as it slowly went to sleep..

~Chapter 1 end~

(A.N: I just love WizardBrave ALOT. It's such a cute ship oh my god- I really want more of it.

But yeah, sorry for the bad and rushed writing, it's like 1 am here lol. But because i lile WizardBrave, might as well!

Anyways see you on the next chapter! ✨Goodbye!✨)

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