Chapter 1

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I woke up startled by another nightmare, the room is quiet, the only thing you can hear is my heavy breathing. Sweat is dripping down my forehead while I try to count to 20 backwards. I look at the time, 5:37 AM. Great, 3 hours till school starts and here I am. I get up from bed and head to the bathroom. I stare at myself in the mirror, those once hazel eyes are now dark chocolate brown, my beautiful short and shiny brown hair is now long and shiny. Where was the old Yara? I thought to myself, the old innocent sweet soul...


i tried calling for help, but no one listened. i am in a dark alley where i was dragged into by the man standing infront of me. this is it, i thought, i'm being raped and no one gives a shit. the man was wearing a ski mask and i could only see his grey eyes, but they weren't attractive. i tried screaming one more time but he pulled out a gun from his back pocket and pointed it between my eyes "Hush woman, now make me feel like the only man on earth." his  raspy voice spoke, he sounded like he had been smoking for years, he yanked my skirt up to my torso and guided his hands to my thighs-


i shook my head and jumped in the shower, no one knows what i saw that day. i continued showering and dried myself off. i got dressed in a cute sage off the shoulder sweater and some white skinny jeans. i put on my white converse and headed downstairs "Hey honey," my mom spoke with her back to me making some breakfast. "Hey mom, how was your night?" i asked "It was good dear, now come on eat up so you can drop me off at work." she said. "alright".


i just parked my car and headed to the doors, i already saw my best friend, Claire, waiting for me by my locker, but before i can even process what was happening, i suddenly got knocked down by a freaking wall, wait a wall in the middle of the hallway? i looked up and saw my worst enemy, aka, the schools bad boy, Leo Rosalita. i rolled my eyes as i picked up my stuff, got up, and walked towards my locker, only to be pulled back by Leo, i flinched at his touch on my shoulder and turned around to face him, i saw him raise an eyebrow but then he just shook his head. "Where do you think you're going slut?" i stared into his ocean blue eyes with hate "What do you want asshole?" ever since the incident, i haven't been the same, i never swore, always treated people with kindness, and i was innocent. so god damn innocent. "Ooo, feisty Yara. listen here you bitch, watch where you're going" he sneered. i just rolled my eyes and walked off to my locker to get my chemistry book. "OMG OMG OMGGG" Claire literally squealed. "THAT WAS THE HOTTEST THING I HAVE EVER SEENNN!" i looked at her, thinking how the hell did i even end up being friends with her. "Girl you need therapy" i stated "NU - UH, I NEED YOU TWO TO MAKE OUT!" she screamed. the entire hallway looked at us. i turned to Claire, furiously, and put my hand over her mouth. "YOUR DUMBASS BRAIN NEEDS TO THINK BEFORE SPEAKING CLAIRE" i whispered harshly. she rolled her eyes and took my hand off her mouth. the bell rang and i headed off to my chemistry class with Claire.

i got in and took a seat in the middle row. and put my head in both hands. i didn't get enough sleeeeeeep the teacher came in looking all giddy and excited. she opened her mouth to speak only to interrupted by the door opening. should've guessed leo walked in looking pissed. "Mr. Rosalita, why are you late to my class?" the teacher asked. "Mind your business lady" he sneered and went to sit at the back of the class. "As i was saying w-"   "MISS YOU WERENT SAYING ANYTHING!" a kid from the back yelled. the whole class erupted into laughter and i found myself giggling a bit, "Anyways, this week the entire senior year is going to Paris!!!" the whole class cheer and clapped. And i was grinning like an idiot, but i didn't care. "You will be sharing a hotel room with your partner, BUT, i already chose the partners" groans filled the room "Okay so Mckenna and Luke, Jake and Tyler, Chad and Lily, Claire and Ryan, Scott and Matt, Sofia and Ellie, and lastly, Leo and Yara." I looked back to see Claire grinning and wiggling her eyebrow, and looked around to spot Leo, FREAKING SMIRKING AT ME, but damn he looks hot WHAT NO. "anyways let's carry on with the lesson everybody!"

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