Once everyone came into the hall the head teacher walk up to the front and held the micro - phone to his mouth
"Welcome back students. I hope you had a great summer and did lots of things" wow great sentence .
"But we are back to school now, so time to go back in our school routine. We hope the time you had last year was memorialble, but this year, more. So I just wanna say, good to have you back and don't cause trouble" he awkwardly giggled at the end. He's terrible at speeches, bless.
We all grabbed our bags and made our way to form. When we walked in just about everyone was there, sir greeted us and told us our new seats. Me and MORGAN were together, obviously.
We were all busy reading our books when a knock was herd upon the door (Falling in reverse maybe?) and the head of year walked in with 2 boys.
"Sorry to interrupt sir but you have 2 new students."
He moves back a little until 2 boys walked in. They were cute.like very.
Me and Morgan looked at each other and smiled. But we knew they would never liked us.
"This is Leondre Devries" he said looking towards a boy with brown hair.
"It's Leo" he replied. Did I hear a accent?
"And this is Charlie Lenehan"
He was very cute.
I looked at Morgan who seemed to be eyeing up Leo. Awh.
*skipped to lunch*
Me and Morgan skipped lunch because we weren't hungry and went round the back of the science labs where we always hang out. We walked around the corner to see Leo being kicked and punched to the ground and Charlie trying to pull them off.
We quickly ran over.
"Hey leave them alone!"
All 4 of the 'bullies' turned towards us.
"Excuse me?" One of them said, while holding Charlie buy his shirt
"I said leave them alone you jerks, u have better stuff to do so go away!"
Everyone looked at me in shock, priberly because it never spoken to much.
The one holding Charlie smirked
"Nah" and he pushed him up against the wall.
I walked over and pushed him to the ground.
"Jeez ok fine. Bye losers!"
And they all walked off.
Then it got awkward.
"Um are you okay?" I said helping the boys off, MORGAN helping too.
"Yeah. Thank you" Leo smiled. OMG that's such a. Cute smile
"Yeah thanks a lot" Charlie thanked us
"No problem. I'm Jennifer by the way"
"And I'm Morgan"
dayDreamer xxx