Human Shield.

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Requested by jfke638

The members were backstage at an awards show getting ready to perform. They had already won every award they were up for and were all in an extremely good mood. Another idol group was currently performing at the moment while they were getting their outfits on and hair and makeup done.

When it was their turn to perform, they did a medley of multiple songs and combined the choreography for them. The other idols in the audience went absolutely wild over it. Once finished, they were able to return to their seats and hang out . They still had about an hour left of the show. During different speeches and performances the camera would pan over to BTS a lot. The members died laughing when the camera caught Namjoon screaming with his mouth wide open. The camera also caught Taehyung doing some dance moves, and Jin blowing kisses. Every time the camera went to Jungkook he was caught stealing snacks from Hobi and Yoongi. Jimin was feeling shy so he would hide his face after smiling.

Everyone in the crowd was hanging out and talking to eachother enjoying the night. It wasn't until an intermission began that things immediately started to turn for the worst.

"Is somebody screaming? Did someone just scream?" Jungkook turned and asked his hyungs. They all nodded. They had all heard a blood curdling scream come from somewhere to the left of the audience. When they looked over they saw a bunch of people start frantically standing up and tying to run out of the room while security guards were running by. The members all looked back at eachother, "What the hell is going on?" Hobi asked confused.

Then they heard it.


Immediately everyone in the crowd rose to their feet and began running out. The members panicked as well, getting up as quickly as they could. It became so loud that the members couldn't even hear eachother anymore.

"Is someone shooting?!" Yoongi yelled.

"What??!" Jin yelled back.


It was impossible to hear anything but the screams, and even more gunshots. The members all grabbed onto eachother and made a run for the nearest exit. Jungkook turned his head and could see who was wielding the gun and shooting at people. He thought he was going to pass out from how terrified he was. He had frozen in place until he felt one of his hyungs grabbing him and pulling him along with them. Unfortunately for the members, it was so hectic and frantic in the crowd that it was not only hard getting out but it was also hard to stay holding onto eachother. They kept getting separated.

Taehyung turned and panicked when he felt Jungkook get ripped out of his grip by the crowd.

"Hyungs wait! Stop! Jungkook! I lost Jungkook!" Taehyung screamed at them. They all knew that there was no way in hell they were just going to leave their maknae behind so they all turned back towards the crowd and plowed through in search of their youngest.

To their relief, they found him, he hadn't been dragged far off.

"Hyungs!" He cried, reaching his arms out. Yoongi and Jin both grabbed him and pulled him into a hug, "Are you okay?!" Jin screamed. Jungkook shook his head yes with tears pouring out of his eyes. That 2 minutes he had been separated from them had felt like an eternal nightmare. They all ducked and screamed when they heard more gunshots, and this time they were a lot closer than before. The members tried once again to get out which still proved hard after being trampled by others. Before they knew it, they were the last ones still in the room.

Jungkook screamed when he felt someone grab him from behind and hold him against them. He felt something cold get pressed to his temple.

"Don't shoot me or else I shoot him!"

Human Shield [Jungkook Hurtfic]Where stories live. Discover now