18. Frenemy

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Martin House

"I need you to promise that you won't say anything about what just happened" Allison takes a seat at the desk chair in the corner of the room.

You leant in the doorway with your arms folded over your chest, Lydia sits with her legs dangling off the edge of her bed.

"I'll promise not to say anything about what just happened if you can tell me what the hell just happened" Her gaze flickered from Allison to you briefly.

"Lydia, it's complicated. There's no easy way to explain what you just saw - it's a long story to say the least" You entered the room fully, closing the door behind you.

"Well, how about you start with why Derek was there ? Or where Jackson was ? Or what is wrong with Erica ? Or maybe, why you were outside with them  and not inside with us ?" Lydia irritably listed off a list of questions. 

"Too many of those questions don't have simple answers" You sat down on the far edge of her bed.

"Oh, do you need a minute to come up with a plausible lie ?" She retorted.

"Part of the reason I'm asking is because Scott and I aren't supposed to be seeing each other, okay ? So, it's better if you just keep what you know to yourself" Allison stood, walking to Lydia's side.

"Fine. I'll keep what I know about you and your boyfriend -- which is nothing -- to myself" She sighed, heading toward the door.

"Hey ... He's not just my boyfriend. You get that, right ?" Allison puts her hands on her shoulders.

"Let me go" Lydia coldly pushed Allison away from her.

"Just, for one second, please try and remember --" She pleaded with the strawberry blonde.

"Remember what ?" She impatiently turns on her heels to look Allison in the eyes.

"Remember what it feels like ... All those times when you see him standing down the hall, and you cannot breathe until you're with him. Or those times in class when you - you can't stop looking at the clock, because you know that he's standing right out there waiting for you. Don't you remember what that's like ?" Allison fiddles with her necklace.

"No ... Is that what it's like with Erica ?" Lydia sighed, hoping that you could give her a very similar answer.

"Yeah. I always wait for her after class. We walk together, holding hands in the halls. I pick her up every morning if she didn't stay at my apartment the previous night ... Did Jackson never do any of that with you ? No late night car drives or impromptu dates ?" You questioned her.

"No. It wasn't like that with him" Lydia gazed at the carpet, fiddling with her fingers.

"What do you mean, no ? You've had boyfriends" Allison's tone turns soft and delicate.

"None like that" Lydia leaves the room, you and Allison shared a sympathetic glance.

Downtown Beacon Hills

You and Derek ran through the more or less abandoned streets of Beacon Hills.

The two of you jump over a wired metal fence, landing in a pouncing position.

"Which way did it go ?" You crouched in your transformed state.

"That way" Derek leads the way and you end up in an old alleyway.

You examine the area, searching for any signs of life, the kanima appeared in the corner.

Derek blocked and punched it multiple times.

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