The Start of the Journey

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Niall crawled out of his tent slowly. He saw Liam and Louis were already up, and were packing up their tents. Zayn was still asleep and the boys feared waking him up because he was not a morning person. Last time they tried waking him up, he nearly burned down the campsite. Looking around Niall couldn't find Harry anywhere. "Where is Harry?"

Louis shrugged, clearly annoyed at Niall for asking him. "He never came back last night" Liam replied, beginning to take down the blonde's tent. "Can you go fill up the canteens since you aren't really doing anything. Go make yourself useful". Liam threw some canteens at Niall not checking to see if the boy caught them or not.

Taking the bottles, Niall headed toward the lake feeling relieved. He was glad to go to the water one last time before they left. As we walked in the woods, he heard snoring coming from one of the trees. "Hello" Niall called out.

He heard a scream and saw the tree rustle. Harry fell from the tree startled by Niall waking him up. The blonde shielded his eyes, afraid to see the boy hit the ground. Right before Harry hit the grass though, he stopped himself. Looking he saw Harry was hovering a couple inches off of the ground.

"That was close" he sighed, meeting eyes with Niall. "How could you be so stupid? I could kill you right now for your ignorance".

"Then do it" Niall challenged a small part of him, hoping Harry would actually kill him.

Harry tempted with the challenge obliged, and lifted up his hands slowly raising Niall into the sky. This was just like all the animals he killed and Evan. "Come on Harry. If you don't you will be weak" the boy muttered quietly. As Niall rose above the tree line, Harry got ready to drop him.

Second thoughts filled the boy, though. Niall never did anything wrong. How could they defeat the Fearsome Five if there was no Niall? Now that he thought about it, he found it weird the blonde wasn't fighting back. It was like Niall thought he deserved death. Could Harry really kill another innocent person that didn't really do anything wrong.

After battling with himself for a couple seconds, Harry sighed in defeat and slowly brought Niall back to the ground. "I can't do it" he said to the blonde. Harry killed people who fought back, not ones who welcomed death.

Niall looked slightly disappointed. "We are leaving soon. You should head back to camp the others are worried about you"

"That is bullshit"

"I know but we do need you"

"Whatever" Harry said, kicking a pile of dirt. "Just know letting you live doesn't mean I am weak. I only let you live to help fight the Fearsome Five and that is it"

"Yea. I know my life is pretty useless. Hopefully I won't survive the battle against the Fearsome Five" Niall admitted turning away from Harry.

"Wait" Harry called out trying to grab the blonde's arm. Niall shrugged him off and continued towards the lake. "Fine be that way asshole" Harry yelled stomping to the camp.

Louis looked up from his job to see Harry. "Look who finally decided to show up" Louis scoffed, still pissed about last night.

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