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~I remember the beginning

It was the afternoon the air was nice not to cold not to hot I was Siting alone as all ways with the stupid blink expression. Nothing was going through my head all I could do was look up at the sky hoping for something to happened.

As I waited for someone to check on me he came nic. Nic was this Hipster kid he had brown hair and beautiful brown eyes with hem was Derek .Derek was this tall dark hair boy who was silly and open hearted he look like Harry potter. Kinnda they had some gay thing going on and all most all the girls had fantasies abouth that...

Nic was my ex we broke up 9mounts ago but I still wasn't over hem but he had Derek. I mean I didn't mind.... okay I did I wanted hem dead..

soon this cute little anime loving girl name jaime came and sit next to me "hey Cheyenne what u doing? " she Smile "oh nothing really "I look down as they passed by "still not over hem I see? " "what no I just can't take the fan girls they have " I smile and look over at the screaming girls Jaime laugh and role her eyes and walk home "see you latter chey " she was soon gone

I got up and started to walk to I wanted to be home before dark I pulled out my ipod and stared to walk.

I was soon home. "im home " I called as I walk through the door " not seeing nothing but a note .I pick it up and read it "dear chey your father and I have a business trip we have to go you have to stay and go to school watch the house and be very good

love mum " "grate "I when to bed with out eating I was to tired to cook

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