chapter 20: the meeting

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after the feast we had with some of the villagers (i don't know what i should call them) valor went back home and we went back to the building we were staying in. it's like ten o'clock right now. i was messing around on my phone and ishiku was playing with a wire bug he had found. it turns out that after all for ones monsters escaped some normal animals changed because some animals like a wire bug or aptonoth he never made.

we were sitting in the lobby and so were some other people. "did you guys smell that food last night, whoever had that must be living in paradise" kaminari said. mina and sero agreed with him. "i wish i had the recipe" mina said. "i could make it" i said. they all looked at me. "you mean you made whatever made that amazing smell last night" sero said.

"ya, all i did was kill a Zamtrios then cook its meat over a campfire. and i cooked all of it" i said. "you ate a monster" izuku said. "yes i did, and so did lots of other people". everyone was surprised, including ishiku because he didn't know what he was eating. "well apart from that did you guys hear that jet engine" izumi said.

"ya, do you guys think that other countries might start helping us" kirishima said. "no it wasn't a jet. that was just valor" i said. "who's valor" katsumi asked. "his kid" i pointed at ishiku who choked on his spit at the statement. "he is not my child" ishiku protested. everyone was surprised at the news of ishiku being a father.

"you're his adopted father" i said. he opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out "you're not wrong". then aizawa walked into the room. "ikagi, ishiku, izuku, izumi, katsuki, katsumi, shoto, and iida come with me. we have a meeting to get to".

we got up and followed him. ishiku put the wire bug on his wrist like it was a spider man web launcher. we never said a word until izuku spoke up "so when did you have a kid" he asked. "now is not the time to talk about it" ishiku said. we continued to walk until we came up to a pair of doors.

the doors opened to reveal a long table with ex pro heroes and villains sitting a chairs. ishiku and i sat down. "now that everyone is here let us get started" nezu said as the lights dimmed and a projector started up showing a screen on the wall. "from the images that mei's drones gathered every time we send them out the information we get back only gets more and more disturbing." nezu explained.

"these 'monsters' have been changing the environment plants and animals alike". the screen goes to an image of where we saved shoto, izuku, izumi, katsuki, katsumi and some other. a massive desert. "we found out that the monster responsible for this all for one calls 'elder dragons'. but recently more and more elder dragons have been found dead especially the elder dragon known as Kirin" nezu explained. the screen went to show multiple images of dead Kirins with their horns missing.

then all for one spoke up "we found out that an elder dragon monster known as Rajang like to hunt down Kirin and eat there horns but none of those live in these areas". the screen then showed other dead elder dragons like Teostra, Lunastra, and Nergigante. then he continued "but the most disturbing thing that we found was this".

the screen then showed dead dalamadur with its head missing. most of the people gasped at the sight of this. me and ishiku smirked. no one noticed except for nezu. "ikagi do you know anything about this" he asked. "ya, we got back at that bastard for making me lose my arm" i stated. everyone was shocked by this knowledge. "we also took out all those other elder dragons as well" ishiku said.

"why were going after Kirin and Rajang specifically" all for one asked. "we started after going after them when we found out about the black dragons" i said. everyone shivered at the sound of the name. then i continued "after we found out about them we bagan making weapons capable of taking them out for good. we're finished with one of them and we're half finished with another".

ishiku opened a portal and pulled out a four foot long metal spear that had a Kirin horn as the point and four Rajang horns acting as barbs. the whole thing was crackling with electricity . everyone was looking at it with awe. "we built about 20 of these things" ishiku said before throwing it back into the portal. "the other thing we're working on is slightly unstable so you'll have to wait to see it" he said.

"but why go after the black dragons" inko asked. "we're going after them because the three of them have done the most damage to japan out of all the monsters" i explained. "not all of the monsters are bad, but some of them must be killed or some bad things will happen, the black dragons being some of those monsters"i explained. 

"ok but side from that, that group of people known as the 'dark warriors' (it was the best i could think of) that go around terrorising the people that live here had a fight with someone last night" nezu said. "izumi and izuku have both had encounters with the group and fought their way using monsters and both lost against the same person. Rairi and his nargacuga shadow. but even when they don't use monsters and fight with quirks they still lose. from what we have learned Rairi's quirk lets him turn his arms and legs into a black sludge like substance" nezu explained.

"so that's what his name is" ishiku mumbled. "do you know anything ishiku" aizawa asked. "yah i fought him yesterday using monsters, i won by a long shot" he said. everyone was surprised yet again. "you won using a monster he let you borrow, how?" katsumi asked. "no i fought against him with my own monster" he said.

"where did you get a monster and where has it been staying" katsuki asked. "he's been staying where he normally lives and he just come when we need him" ishiku explained. "you guys can meet him if you want, i haven't heard him leave yet". they all agreed and we went to the battle field behind the building. stain was training there and so was buraison. "how do you know he hasn't left yet" izumi asked. "you would have heard him" ishiku said.

he then put two fingers in his mouth and whistled extremely loud causing some people to cover their ears. when he stopped nothing happened for about three minutes nothing happened. "so is he coming orrrrrr" izumi said. "just wait" i said.

then i started to hear the sound of jet engines coming in this direction and so did everyone else. "he must've been asleep" ishiku said. then i saw a crimson red blur shoot out of the area from where we were yesterday and start circling around us. everyone watched the blur then crash down on top of ishiku. a lot dust was kicked up making it hard to see.

you could hear ishiku saying something but something was putting pressure on his chest making it hard for him to breath. "v-valor . . . . . get . . . . off of . . . . . . me" he managed to say. the dust cleared and everyone could see valor pinning ishiku to the ground with one of his talons. "valor get off of him" i said walking up towards him. valor got off of ishiku and i helped him off of the ground. all for one walked up to valor "where did you get a valstrax" he asked.

"i found him about five years ago and raised him for a while until we found he mom" ishiku said. "and yes i'm aware he is an elder dragon, so now we've got two elder dragons and an army to go against the three black dragons". everyone was confused except for all for one. "ikagi has the power of the shagaru magala, an older form of the gore magala. both being elder dragons" he said. "soon we'll have the firepower to take those monsters down" i exclaimed.

??? POV

"you called boss". i turned around and saw Rairi. he was using his quirk on his legs "go get Jakuson and tell him that nest week he is to fight the two people you encountered yesterday and only them. after that we will start our mission and overthrow this place and take control and then, we take back japan". "yes sir"



hope you liked the chapter

thanks for the 5.6k reads. i never thought my story would make it this far.

and btw i named the mystery monster Rioc after the king of the dead from lord of the rings


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