Greek Mythology Info

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What is a myth?
•Uses the supernatural to explain the natural
•Traditional story

The first parents(Roman)

100 hands 50 heads

•The titans(elder gods)
•Rhea-Cronos wife
•Ocean-river encircled the world
•lapetus- father of Prometheus, Epimetus and Atlas.

A/N:You don't really need to know that it's just history backup.

Zeus is the God of the sky.
He is the king of the Gods.
He married his sister Hera.
Roman name: Jupiter
Symbols: eagle, shield, thunder and oak tree

Hera is the protector of marriage.(A/N kinda ironic cause she can't stop her husband from being an fboy:)
She is married to her brother Zeus.
She is associated with the peacock because of her beauty.
Roman name: Juno
Symbols: peacock and cow

Poseidon is the God of the sea.
He is Hades and Zeus' brother.
His palace is made of pearl and he has a coral throne.
Roman name: Neptune
Symbols: horse and bull

God of the underworld.
Jealous of his brothers Zeus and Poseidon.
Persephone is his wife.(stole her from his sister Demeter)
He wants people's souls.
Roman name: Pluto
Symbols: helmet, metal and jewels.

Goddess of the underworld(not by choice. She can only leave the underworld in spring and summer).
Daughter of Zeus and Demeter.
Roman name:Proserpin

Demeter is the Goddess of corn and harvest.
She is the goddess of growing things.

Goddess of wisdom, justice, strategic war, civilization and peace.
She was born out of Zeus'.
She hated Ares the god of war.
Symbols:owl, shield and olive branch.

Ares is the god of war.
He is ruthless and murderous.
Son of Zeus and Hera.
Symbols: vulture and dog

Goddess of love and beauty.
Born from sea foam.
She is envied.
She married Hephaestus
Roman name: Venus
Symbols: dove, sparrow and myrtle

Son of Aphrodite.
He shots arrows
Roman name:Cupid

God of volcanoes, fire and the forge.
Son of Zeus and Hera.
Was thrown off Mount Olympus because he was ugly( his mother threw him off).
Made beautiful jewellery.
Roman name: Vulcan
Symbols: fire and blacksmiths hammer

Goddess of the hearth.
Sister of Zeus, daughter of Cronos and Rhea
Roman name: Vestia

God of light and music.
He is Artemis twin brother, children of Zeus and Leto.
He is gentle unless someone bothers his mom(A/N such a sweetheart❤️)
Roman name: Apollo
Symbols: dolphin, burel and lyre

God of revelry and wine.
He has mortal parents.
He brings ecstasy and drunknness.
Roman name: Bacchus

God of mischief and messenger of God's.
Zeus' youngest son.
Roman name: Mercury
Symbols: wand, winged sandals and winged helmet.

The Graces
Three goddesses of beauty and grace.
•Thalia( good cheer)

The Furies
Roman name: Furiae
Three goddesses of vengeance.
They punish evil doers.

The Fates
Three sisters.
•Clotho(the spinner)
•Lachesis(the disposers of lots)
•Atrops(the cutter)

The Centaurs
Half man, half horse.
Savage creaturesexcept for Chiron(A/N you'll find out who he is later on).
Followers of Dionysus

The Muses
Nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyn.
They are the Goddesses of arts and science.

The Satyrs
God of woods and mountain.
Shepherd gods.
Companions of Dionysus
They chase nymphs.

Whenever you feel confused by who is who you can always come back to this chapter.


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