4. Stuck in My Mind.

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I walked back to the living area where Brooke sat with her legs crossed together, two filled wine glasses in my hands. She paused, her gaze fixed on the open laptop resting on her thighs, then let out a small smile.

My eyebrows furrowed.

Her smile grew, but she seemed to catch herself before shaking her head slightly and re-focused her gaze on the laptop screen. This is weird. Brooke never smiles to herself like that. But after that little incident with Adonis earlier in the kitchen, she had been smiling to herself. Like a silly school girl.

“Here.” I said, holding out one of the glasses. She looked up, startled from her thoughts.

“Oh thanks.” She smiled and took the glass, bringing it to her lips and taking a sip.

I sank into the couch a few feet away from her, briefly looking in the direction of the kitchen as male voices reached my ears. Neil had got back earlier than usual today, since Adonis just arrived and they were currently talking in the kitchen, catching up and teasing each other in a brotherly way that made my heart ache. Neil really seemed happy to see Adonis.

To think I was busy having fantasies about fucking his brother. Oh, what kind of fiancée am I?

“So.” Brooke's voice broke into my pondering. “You never mentioned that your fiancé had such an attractive brother.”

I twirled my wine thoughtfully,  slowly bringing it to my lips. Brooke never really talked about men, or relationships. We never really talked to each other about our relationships but I was sure she’s single. The type of single where you don’t have sex for a long, long time. I mean, she never even bought any of the lingerie. And they are very naughty lingerie.

I looked back to meet her sharp gaze suddenly filled with interest. “I just met him today, Brooke. I think he’s the type that travels a lot.”

“Hm.” She said quietly. “I guess he isn’t going to be around for long?”

I nodded, not going into details. I could see the tiny light in her eyes. I could see the interest on her face. She liked Adonis, and judging by her impressive business-like approach to life, if she liked him enough, she could actually try to get him. And judging by how Adonis was checking her out back in the kitchen, he might just get something going with her.

The wine suddenly tasted sour in my mouth. That can’t happen. It might seem selfish, but I just don’t want to imagine Adonis and Brooke being a couple. In a relationship. Fucking.
Brooke glanced back in the kitchen's direction. “So he stays around here?”

“You said you wanted to discuss something important?” I raised an eyebrow, trying to keep my displeasure out of my tone. But I think she caught it.

Her face snapped back to look at me, mouth parted, eyes blinking. Her hand adjusted the laptop and she nodded. “Yes, of course. Um..” She placed her wine glass on a stool nearby. Then cleared her throat, switching back to business mode.

“One of our biggest distributors introduced us to a big, I mean, big company hosting this exclusive event with the biggest sponsors ever, where international celebrities are in a series of photoshoots promoting some of their products and those if their affiliate companies.

“And, they want us, DELEILAH lingerie and bikini line, to produce the lingerie the international celebrities would wear and work with their amazing designers! I’m talking about going global-”

“Really?!” My eyes widened. “Yes! Of course-”

“But there’s a condition.” Brooke’s voice dropped. My smile froze. “You are required to partake in the photoshoot as well. And I mean, it’s not bad, there are billionaire celebrities-”

I raised my shoulders. “That’s not even a problem, I’ll do it. That’s great, actually-”

“Leila.” Brooke cut in, her face dropping. “They want the designs of our flimsiest and naughtiest lingerie. The exclusively nude edition. You’re practically doing the shoot naked. But so are the rest of the models.”

My face dropped.

“It’s all in the proposal I’ll forward to you. Leilani, this is a great opportunity. We have competitors out there that will do it without hesitation, but this company chose us first thanks to our loyal customers. If we nail this event, DELEILAH lingerie will become an international brand. It would change everything.”

Shit. That particular edition of lingerie was meant for hot, mind-blowing seduction and erotic sex with your partner. All my lingerie are sexy, but that particular design? I would literally be naked with all my female endowments pushed out and accentuated to look ninety-nine times sexier than normal.

If I were single, I’d have no problems doing this but I’m fucking engaged now. Neil would definitely hate this. Oh what do I do?

“We need to do this, Leila.” Brooke said, nodding slowly.

I sighed, leaning back in my seat, staring at the wine swishing in my glass. “I’ll go through the proposal and let you know what conclusion I arrive at.”

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