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So obviously yall remember the wall push moment from the Japanese tiktok, yeah this is that... But what happened after they got back to their dorms.

I cba to put an intro so they're just at the dorms and talking about stupid stuff..

I'm usually one for writing super long chapters but I'm gonna try to keep these short and sweet and write lots of different ones.

This one is aggressive/flirty minho, enjoyyyy 😏

2.2k words ❤️

"Wwhhaaaaaaaaahhh" hyunjin groaned as he slumped into his chair "today was so long and tiring, Channiieeeeeeeeee"

"What?" said Chan, hiding the fact he knew Hyunjin was about to ask him to do some maid like task and would throw a fit if he didn't.

"Bring me my ice packs from the freezer, my feet are so sooooore"

"Awwwwwwwwww" cooed the rest of the room in unison,
"You poor thing" joked Changbin, "it must be so hard being so pretty that you expect people to wait on you hand and foot!"

Jisung was watching and laughing with his mouth open wide, and when Minho walked in shortly after he walked up to Han, touching his arm and asking him what was so funny.

"Ahhhhhh" Jisung sighed "you missed it.." he dropped his head for a moment before turning to look up at Minho.

When their eyes made contact again.. They both instantly felt the same tension as they always did. Jisung swallowed, and forced a smile to break the moment before it got too intense.

Minho squeezed Jisung's arm and walked over to Hyunjin, who was still whining about his sore body. He leant down and put his hand on the arm of the chair he was sloping off of and glared into his soul.

"Are you being a widdle baby drama queen, hyunnie?" he teased.

All Hyunjin could do was frown, and scoff at him. He turned his face away and scrunched up his nose in a look of disgust, but the others just found it funny.

The room erupted in cooing baby noises and pouty lips, Jisung was enjoying the joke and making pouty lips at Hyunjin from across the room. Just as he closed his eyes, scrunching up his face with that same pout on, minho turned around to see him.

He couldn't shift his gaze even if he wanted to, he was so cute.. Jisung making this face, with his puffy cheeks and wrinkled nose.. Not to mention his puckered lips, which by no means was a sight he wasn't used to.. Still, he couldnt help but see the boy as soft and adorable.

Right when Minho was so zoned in to staring he has stopped focusing on the others, Han opened his eyes to see that all familiar, engulfing gaze.

His eyes widened and he put on that little startled squirrel face that Minho found the cutest.

"You made that face earlier you know." he joked.

Jisung recalled when Minho had pushed him against the wall, after he pulled at his jacket. He had made that face. Still, most of that was for entertainment. Their staff had praised them for creating such a funny and sexy moment, telling them all the stays would love it.

Still, when Minho stared at him... When his arm went into the wall he felt.. Small.. Vulnerable. Like a prey animal being pinned down for the killing blow.

"Yeah well, what else could I have done?" he joked.

By this time, Changbin and Chan were both watching them, smiling knowingly. Han caught their gaze in the corner on his vision and darted his gaze between them and Minho, who was still staring him down like he wanted to eat him.

Precious Moments ¦ minsung imagines Where stories live. Discover now