Could it be?...

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I went into a abandoned town, I ran because I heard a noise. As soon as it stopped I snooped back out, I heard something behind me. I look behind myself and see a figure with their hand behind their back holding something they then said **do you wanna play?..** I then seen what he was holding, could it be?... A knife?!? They ran towards me, I also ran. Were they gonna kill me?! We ran for a while, I had tripped! They almost stabbed me until a figure popped up in front of me, then all I seen was blood..Why would they risk them self for me?! I got back up quickly and ran behind a trash bucket( one of the big ones you can find at dumps) They ran past me, I got lucky...For once at last! I had ran back out again, this time being cations of what could happen.
(Different parts by the way!)

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