Chapter 1 [Side Story]: Morning with [Name]

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"Wake up. Hey, wake up."

'Huh? Where am I...?' [Name] slowly opened her eyes to see sunlight. She slowly sat up from her bed. "H-Huh?"

"C'mon, you need to get ready for school."

'School...?' She questioned in her mind. She gasped when she remembered she attends school now, "School!" [Name] immediately stood up and organized her school supplies first.

"I'll prepare breakfast for us. Get dressed." Shu said before he walked out of his room.

After organizing, [Name] got dressed into her plain black dress and went outside to the kitchen. Shu was just about finish cooking breakfast. [Name] patiently sat on the chair while happily swinging her legs back and forth.

Shu set two plates; one for him and one for [Name]. In front of [Name], was a steaming, fine plate of an omelette, sprinkled with parsley. She drooled at the sight of food.

"Woaaah, Shu-Shu! You're great at cooking! But what is this?"

Shu answered as he cuts his own omelette, "It's an omelette, sprinkled with parsley."

"Really!? I've never had it before!" [Name] said.

'Of course you haven't tried it before. You lived in a box for a whole year. All you ate is just spam and rice.' Shu thought as he casually eats his omelette.

[Name] pouted at his thoughts and ate the omelette but immediately spat it out on the table.

"[Name]!" Shu exclaimed as he stood up from his seat.

"Th-The omelette burnt me! I-It burnt my tongue!" She exclaimed back at him, sticking out her tongue to let it cool.

"Yeah it burnt you because it's still hot!" He walked in the kitchen, tore off a paper towel, and walked to [Name]'s side of the table to wipe off the food and saliva.

"But how did yours not burnt you?" [Name] questioned.

"I cooked mine first and it cooled down." He answered and threw away the tissue in the trash.


After [Name]'s omelette cooled, she eats it and thought it was delicious. She looked around the area, the living room and the kitchen.

"Shu-Shu," she chewed the food and gulped it, "where're your parents at?"

"They're at work. My mom told you that they work during the daytime and nighttime." Shu answered. [Name] read his mind but he didn't think of anything.

"Right," she looked around, "what about your siblings?"

"I'm an only child."

She stared at him while he ate. 'Shu-Shu must've been lonely...'

She spoke up while tilting her head to the side, "Aren't you lonely...?"

"I don't mind being alone. I'm used to it anyway."

[Name] quietly stared at Shu, feeling bad for him. 'That's sad. That's not good. Not good at all. Awh, his answer makes me wanna cry...' She perked up. 'Alright! I got it!'

"Not to worry! I will be your roommate from now on," She announced, with a smile on her face, "so now you don't need to feel lonely."

Shu looked at her. He liked the way she is determined to help. But he answered differently. "I just said I don't mind being alone."

[Name] ignored his statement by glancing at a digital clock and hopping out of the chair to get her backpack. "Time for school! Hehe!"

Outside of the apartment building, Shu was about to sit on his bike until [Name] came up to him, gripping her backpack strap.

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