Chapter 17

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Naruto and his attacker stood across from one another. Both were tense, Naruto in a make shift sword stance with his sword held over him showing his lack of experience with such a weapon, while the oto shinobi returned to his earlier combat ready position, more bones growing from his limbs and chest as he gave the blond a calculating look. While the visible wisps had faded, anyone able to sense chakra could feel the corrupted energy rolling off the pair, mixing into something awful between them.

"It would seem that there is more to you than I expected." The assailant admitted. "Lord Orochimaru informed me of the demon inside you, but I didn't think its power would be that potent. Still, it matters not. I will not fail my master."

Naruto scoffed. "I might have something to say about that." His voice was deeper with a slightly guttural undertone compared to the norm.

"I'll bet you do. Still, I'm surprised you pushed me this far. You asked for my identity earlier. I am called Kimimaro."

Naruto regarded the bone user curiously, though there was still a clear edge in his eyes. The Kyuubi's power brought with it the hatred and rage it felt, but he clamped down on it. "That Kekkei Genkai of yours... you belong to a clan, right?"

"The Kaguya clan or I did once. One can't refer to a single individual as a clan." The now named Kimimaro replied, showing no hint of pain or loss over his relatives fate.

"Sole survivor, huh? Same boat as me far as I know." Naruto noted.

"My past hardly matters." Kimimaro replied dismissively. "It was after their loss that I found my purpose. I am an extension of Lord Orochimaru's will, the perfect tool to carry out his ambitions... or I was." He closed his eyes as Naruto's frown deepened. "But that is irrelevant. As long as I am able to serve, nothing else matters."

Naruto was uncomfortably reminded of Haku by Kimimaro's words... and through that himself. Like them, this guy had no one, whether he'd known his clan to begin with or not he didn't know, but he wound up the same; lost and alone. But where he and Haku had been lucky enough to find people who cared for them, friends and family who would share their joys and sorrows, Kimimaro had been taken in by Orochimaru. Just as they'd devoted themselves to the people who saved them, though Naruto Uzumaki would never be anyone's tool, Kimimaro devoted himself to his savior.

The difference is his supposed savior didn't give a damn about anyone but himself. "So that's it then? You're happy just being someone's puppet?" The blond spat.

That seemed to anger the normally calm Kaguya survivor. He raised his weapons. "I am no mere puppet. This is my own will." He charged, his arms held across his chest. "What gives you the right to judge my wishes!?"

Mirroring Kimimaro, Naruto summoned a second black blade to his hands and shot forward, closing the distance between them in an instant. They clashed, Kimimaro stabbing with his bone blade and Naruto deflecting it with his the blade in his left hand. Kimimaro spun on his heel, slashing with his elbow blade which Naruto ducked underneath. The bone user followed up with a kick, which Naruto blocked with his forearm. He leaned back when the blond made a vertical cut with his sword, the blade passing by him by inches. Naruto leapt back when more bones erupted from Kimimaro's leg and the bone user shot forward, hoping to use this opening to end the battle quickly.

Naruto was pushed back by Kimimaro's fast paced dance like attacks. The Kyuubi's power was far greater than the power Orochimaru's cursed seal had given the bone user, but there was still a vast difference in their skill levels, and it showed in that Naruto couldn't land a single blow. Naruto was growing a little frustrated, but his training let him keep it from affecting him.

Eventually, he saw an opening and deflected a blow from Kimimaro, sending his arm upward and breaking his guard. He moved to capitalize on the blow when more bones burst from his body and he spun and kicked off the ground, launching both into the air as the bones carved into Naruto, poking dozens of holes in his clothing in moments and sending blood flying across the grass. "Dance of the Willows!"

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