Zelda's outfit trouble

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"Are you sure you don't need my help Princess?" Asked the enthusiastic winged ball of
"No need Eva, you've been a big help already. I'll just need some time to try it on."
Zelda's pace was wrought with reluctance, with her steps growing slower as she reached
her bedroom door.
The glowing fairy wisped back to the Princess’s side, insisting on her assistance.
"I may just be a fairy, but I've been all around places. And from my journeys, I've
acquired a remarkable eye for fashion."
Zelda's hand gently grabbed the knob. But before she entered the room she would turn
and respond to her fairy companion.
"I have no doubt you do, but I also doubt I'll be having to change it."
With a disappointed grunt, the bright yellow ball would give up on this pursuit.
"Oh alright, but if you do change your mind I'll be keeping an eye out for him down by
the gate"
"Thank you Eva."
With that, the little fairy flew down the hall and out of sight, leaving little streaks of
dissipating sparkles in her trail.
*Click*She locked the door, with her cheeks already changing shade as she fiddles with the
doorknob a few more times to assure her mind that it would remain shut. After easing herself and
checking to make sure that the windows were properly covered by their decorative drapes, she
would undress from her royal attire, laying them about on the smooth wooden floor. From her
dresser she retrieved her new outfit, the bane of her entire day, and began to put it on with
Zelda looked upon herself within the tall oval mirror that sat beside her bed. Her eyes
were quickly drawn to the dark black color of the shirt, with its cut ending only inches below her
chest. The Sigil of her family laid across the upper left side, the Triforce displayed proudly as if
giving affirmation to such a rogue attire. Her feelings didn't change with the legwear. Tight blue
jeans made even tighter with a golden buckled belt. She turned her waist, noticing how
emphasized this outfit made parts of her figure.
Her color was practically that of an Octorok. Coming from a prestigious family line,
certain fashions were engrained into her nature. She wasn't used to the more ordinary styles her
people’s culture had created. But regardless of her feelings, she knew she looked good, and that's
what mattered.
Such confidence quickly fleeted her mind as she delved back into second guesses. For a
moment, she considered taking up on the offer by her fairy friend. But upon further thought, she
realized that to remedy this affliction of doubt, she would need to confine her troubles to the
hands of a personal “expert” on the matter. She grabed her phone from the side table and quickly
pulls up the Gossip Stone app. Scrolling through her contacts before finally finding their name.
With two rapid taps, the phone began to send its call.
“What's up?” asked a smooth feminine voice.
In a concoction of nervousness and embarrassment, Zelda would respond with her
emotions center stage.
“Oh goddess, what's got you all riled up Princess?”
Before Zelda could respond she caught a glance of her shy expression within the mirror,
to which she then promptly stuffed into a pillow and screamed.
“Well, seems like somebodies feeling the fuzzies”The Princess quickly pulled her face out from the pillow.
“Eh? I haven't even told you why I called.”
The girl on the other end delivered a soft but audible chuckle.
“You're nervous about your date. You think I didn't know? It's all he's been blabbering
about today”
“Really…?” Zelda's face gently sank back into her pillow as her levels of flutters reached
beyond her capacity.
The Princess picked herself up from her bed with a sigh. Plopping herself back in front of
the mirror, staring at her own wear.
“I just… just don't know about this outfit I've got on, I mean - What if it's too much? Or if
it looks wrong on me, I-”
Her worries were beginning to stack up as they left her mouth, each faster than the last.
Luckily, Arry was accustomed to the lady’s patterns of self-doubt and promptly cut the chain
before it could go any farther.
“Well let's start with the obvious first, show me what it looks like.”
Zelda was taken aback for a second, for whatever reason, perhaps in her own momentary
naivety, she hadn’t considered the idea that she may have to reveal the outfit to receive the
requested assistance. But with a small wash of forceful motivation, she would use her Camera
Rune application to snap three photos of her attire from varying angles. Three more than she had
wished to take, but regardless, she had produced them. For a moment she considered redoing it,
noticing how in each her gaze was focused on anywhere except the mirror. But with her
emotions unwilling to run her through the process again, she sent the first takes.
There was a small bit of silence as she watched the photos receive the status of delivered,
and then immediately change to read. Her heart nearly skipped a beat in the dead air.
“Yeah?”Her phone began to vibrate, not due to any notifications or background application, but
on account of her own hands. The uneasy tingly anticipation streamed through her entire body as
she awaited a response.
“Can I take my brother’s place on this date?”
Zelda let out an audible breath of relief, lowering her head below her phone as every
ounce of energy left her body.
“You did NOT have to scare me like that?”
The Princess could hear the girl laughing to herself. Arry was always a joker of sorts, but
this was perhaps the first time her plays had gotten Zelda’s emotions to flare as much as they did.
“C’mon Zelda, you with this outfit? Your far too good for him.”
“You don't mean that.”
“Seriously though, I don't see what you're so worried about. If you anything I’d be
concerned with all the other googly eyes that are gonna wanna challenge your hero.”
“So it is too much…”
“No no no, I'm joking, I'm only joking.”
Zelda was a bit exhausted from all the teasing, so she decided to try to get straight
“So I shouldn't change?”
“Nah. This is a good new look for you.”
She threw herself onto her bed, letting her back sink into the extravagantly designed
covers. Her eyes met the ceiling, with even such things not left barren, adorning a painted mural
of the goddesses.
“Well, I’ll place my faith in your opinion then”
“This isn't an opinion; it's a common fact that you're hotter than Death Mountain.”“Shuuuut uuuuup”
She could hear the same contagious giggles from Arry. Unable to protect herself from the
infection this time, her face was cursed with a small smirk. Her only course of action was to
cover her face with the pillow to her side, an act she’s finding to be a habit.
“Real talk though for a moment, you know you don't have to do this?”
She removed the pillow from her face, unsure of what to make from the question.
“What do you mean?”
“I heard that this date was a sort of “Thank you” for him saving you from Gannon. I
know that it was dangerous and brave for him to do that, and I’m forever proud of him for it. But
you know that doesn't mean you owe him a date right?”
Zelda didn't know how to respond at first. She dug through her feelings to find the words
that could best convey her emotions, but for a minute, she couldn't piece together anything
“You’re right, it is a reward for his heroic acts, but…”
Finally, after another segment of silence, she would conjure the words to communicate
her thoughts.
“It’s not as if I don't actually have feelings for him, I’ve always had since we first met.”
Arry would ask the obvious question.
“Then why treat it as a reward, why not just ask him out of your own accord?”
“It was easier for me… to treat it like any other royal gift."
The Princess thought back to her younger years, a time where she was being taught the
etiquette and mannerisms that’s expected of her. In those days it was easy to fake it, to wear the
face the people needed. But over time, she came to find that she had not been taught perhaps
most important aspect, she was left without confidence. With her tone falling quiet and somber,
she would express this dissatisfaction.“It’s silly really, Im expected to rule over thousands of people and yet I cant even look
him in the eye and tell him how I feel.”
“You’re right, you really are a silly girl.”
Not a response she had expected, Zelda’s lips curled into a pouting frown as she
sarcastically replied,
“Very helpful Arry.”
Quickly, her friend attempted to elaborate on her admittedly teasy remark.
“You are, you expect to have this stone-hard unflinching confidence at the young age of
sixteen. This is just what comes with growing up, it doesn’t matter if your a princess. And your
still young so of course your gonna have some self-doubt. Heck, Im twentytwo and it’s something
I still struggle with.”
She didn’t quite know how to feel about what was said, but a small part of her wanted to
believe in those words. However, she felt as though life had a greater expectation on her than
what Arry could relate to.
“But I have to be-”
Immediately she was interrupted by Arry.
“No, no buts. In fact, get off yours and go back to the mirror”
Reluctantly, Zelda obeyed.
“You still feel that fuzziness, that feeling that makes you want to hide in your bed?”
“Guess what kiddo, your gonna keep feeling that until the day your six feet under. Now
look at yourself, straight on, don’t avert your eyes. You looking?”
With little motivation, she did as she was told and looked upon the same defeated eyes
staring back.
“Yeah”“What are you looking at?”
“And who are you?”
Her eyes glanced up and down her figure, as if scanning herself to properly register what
she was looking at.
“The Esteemed Princess of Hyrule wearing a crop top”
“Damn right, and who says a princess can’t wear crop tops?”
“No one I guess.”
“I mean, you ARE the princess right? Who’s actually gonna tell you what you cant do?”
That little spark of truth lit up her chest with a feeling she hadn’t experienced in quite
some time. For the moment, she could look at herself without the fuzziness clouding her thoughts.
“And do you look good in that?”
She scanned herself again, noticing how the outfit fitted around her. With a bit more
enthusiasm she responded,
“Yeah, I think I do.”
“Do you think Link’s gonna agree?”
With a bit more pop and displaying a bit of eagerness she shouts,
“Yeah! He will!”
“And why is he gonna agree?”
“Because I DO look good!”“Let me hear that again”
“I Look Goo-
Just then, there was a faint tapping on the door to her room. Behind it, the muffled voice
of Eva could be heard saying,
“Princess! Princess! He’s here! He’s by the gate!”
At that moment, Zelda stared blankly at herself with wide-open eyes. She talked herself a
big game and had built herself up these past few seconds. But now the actual test was awaiting
her outside, and she couldn’t help but wear that same blush red back on her face. Her eyes slowly
drifted down as she saw her hands trembling from her unease. Before she could say a word, Arry
would give her last encouragement before hanging up,
“Go get’em, tiger.”
The Princess of Hyrule approached the outer gate and there awaiting her was that quiet
blonde elf. He wore his dark green jacket over his rather plain brown shirt, a rather common
outfit choice of his that has practically become his identity for many. Zelda didn’t mind it, in
fact, it was a style that she found looked cute on him. More importantly on her mind was what
she had planned to say to him. She opened the gate and stepped outside the bounds of her manor.
She stopped about ten feet away from him. Her hands laid by her side, tightly clenched,
and after a deep breath, she delivered her message that she had been internally practicing since
she left her room.
“As the Princess of Hyrule, I would like to thank you once again for bravery in the rescue
of my person, defeating Gannon, and restoring hope to the Kingdom.”
In the familiar calm and collected tone that had helped to swoon her emotions all those
years ago, he would respond,
“I am-”
But was then promptly cut off with Zelda’s stern continuation,“However, I regret to inform you that the Gift you were expecting to receive will have to
be revoked and in due time replaced with something of equal measure.”
Link couldn’t gather what to say, he was left confused in the moment, only able to reply
“Oh… I… uhm.”
Before another second could pass, the Princess gently grabbed his hands, with her own
beginning to tremble once again. She would replace the sternness in her voice with one of
nervous admission and ask,
“But… as Zelda, as me, I would just like to… uhm… seeing as your already here… if
you’d like to go out on a date with me?”

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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