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Here's two funny storys meanwhile I finish off making chapter 7 because I definitely forgot about this book-

I'm like 6 years old in this first story

So my grandma was babysitting me while my mom worked and she took me to a laundromat, so I just lay down on a washing machine watching TV while she was folding and like an hour later my Aunt who works at the Laundromat comes to clean where my grandma was folding clothes and sees me still watching TV so she came up to me and told me that my grandma had left me and I started laughing even tho a normal 6 year old would probably cry- yea so she called my grandma telling her how she left me and my mom's uncle who so happened to be there tells  my aunt that he'd take me home, so he took me home my grandma was so worried when I got back but also started laughing a bit and my mom never knew about this until now because I told her a few days ago-

Next story I probably barley turned 5 when this happened

So I'm at the market with my mom and we were waiting for the cash register person to finish scanning our stuff so I was holding on to my mom and she got mad at me and scooted me away so I backed away from her then all of a sudden the lady that was working Infront of the cash register we were at dropped a can on my I had a late reaction, my mom was yelling at the worker that dropped the can on my forehead, she had me sit in a chair and wait for the fucking sheriff to pull up, she put an ice pack on my forehead, and we waited for the manager  to come.💀💀💀... Idk why my dumbass thought the ceiling was interesting at the time because it left like a line leading to my eyebrow and you can't see it but you can feel it...

A child created by mistake?!?  (Cookie Run Kingdom) [def abandon this👍]Where stories live. Discover now